wut size tank for my brothers B-day?????


Active Member
i ve had my tank for about 3 months and my little bro ( whos turning 10 in a week) really likes my tank. so im thinking about buying one for his b-day. i was just wondering what size tank i should get him??? im thinking about getting a hexagon... mabey 35 or 29 gallons??? any suggutions on wut size tank?? he not really responsible so he needs one that he wouldnt have to take a lot of care for


i think any size you get him, you'd have to take care of if he's so irresponsible. all tanks will need regular care.


Active Member
if you want something small go with a nano cube 12 dx or the nano cube 24. what do you plan on keeping? reef, fo, fowlr?

sinner's girl

nano will take too much care.
The bigger you get the less care it will require. But if he's not responible, then who will be taking care of the tank and fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bluelagoon
i think any size you get him, you'd have to take care of if he's so irresponsible. all tanks will need regular care.

I agree totally. Why not just let him enjoy and learn from yours for a couple of years? I'm keeping a 37gal, and I couldn't even begin to think of having a 10 year old taking good care of it. Really awesome thought though!!
Lisa :happyfish


my little brother has a 24gal tank.
It's a really good teaching tool but as other people have already said...
You'll probably end up having to do a lot of the work.


i'd get at least a 120 so that way you and him can invest in it together to have a kick a@- setup overtime


Active Member
Originally Posted by feixjai
if you want something small go with a nano cube 12 dx or the nano cube 24. what do you plan on keeping? reef, fo, fowlr?

I would not get a hex tank at all...they have a variety of issues. These nano cubes are nice systems, IMO.
However, if he is not responsible, this is not the hobby to get into. You also have not been in it long enough to really know the long term care...but if you know he is irresponsible (and at that age you would have to be quite exceptionally responsible to keep a saltwater tank), then I don't think it wise. Maybe some freshwater fish...but not saltwater...and if he is truly irresponsible, I wouldn't force any animal to rely on him for care.


Active Member
ya but im only 13 (in 2 days!!!) so i wouldnt be able to buy him anything much bigger than a 30 gallon..... i think he'll want a FOWLR for a couple years but he eventually might switch to a reef


I think that a 33 gallon long would be a good starter. Thats what i startes with when i was 12 and it was easy to maintain. Make sure that you have a protein skimmer though.


Staff member
Be careful that you don't end up getting him something he really can't and doesn't want to take care of. Likely someone else's tank is one thing.....wanting your own tank is another ball game.