

Active Member

Originally posted by lion_crazz
It may be "scripted" or "planned out" but it is not fake. There is no way to fake falling. You either fall or you do not. You can't fake that part.

You are correct as these guys and gals take a beating. many of the so called "

" matches although scripted take a toll on the actors.
They are glorified stunt men and women that get injured.
Punchs are pulled, kicks never land...and they are taught how to fall...but they get injured,
If you look at some of the old timers such as Dusty Rhodes you will see the scar tisse on his forehead. Years ago 60 Minutes did a story on Pro Wrestling. It was revealed that the main eventers would carefully tape razors on the inside of their wrists and intemtionally cut themseleves on the forehead....yes, real blood not fake blood. Those that would do this were main eventers...those that would not were under-carders.
This was back when the WWF was statring to grow in the 1980's. One wrestler spoke out due to the lack of healthcare, what they were "forced" to do in order to make the big bucks, etc. etc He was blackballed by all promoters from the business.


Active Member

Originally posted by cjason3041
fake fake try UFC real butt whippin

I agree that wrestling is fake as to the outcome of matches, but I disagree that the actors do not get hurt.
As for the UFC...they are like boxers and do not an cannot fight several times a week. They get the crap beat out of them...but they have time to heal. There is a differnce...as even fake stuff can be just as hard or harder on the body.


Active Member
I guess wrestling was just to tough for these UFC stars....
Ken isn't the only competitor from the original UFC events to have participated in pro wrestling. Nearly all of the major UFC stars during it's first few years participated in pro wrestling either before, during or after their MMA careers. Only most of the top Brazilian fighters and a small handful of fighters that remained in the UFC circuit or crossed over to Japan and stayed in MMA (such as Randy Couture) never crossed over to worked wrestling.
Out of the major stars who competed on UFC shows from the SEG era, Ken Shamrock, Dan Severn, Gerard Gordeau, Dave Beneteau, Oleg Taktarov, Tank Abbott, Paul Varelans, Don Frye, Gary Goodridge, Brian Johnston, Mark Coleman, Maurice Smith, Mark Kerr, Kevin Randleman, Dan Bobish, Bas Rutten and Tsuyoshi Kohsaka among others participated in pro wrestling at some point in their careers.