WWF Hermit Matches in my tank ?


Active Member
They do this once a week atleast, wrestle for alittle then go off and knock my corals over .


Active Member
lol- thats pretty funny- i have a blue leg that will grab a shell, flip himself over and roll it around in his legs for over an hour- its pretty funny- it is always the same shell too:D


Active Member
Yep cool pic, I have only 1 unknown "hermit", trying to stay clawless. But it's WWE now LOL! I liked it as WWF, now too many peeps to keep track

but the Rock is still a Hotty! Actually Al Snow is looking good with his hair washed and let down on that MTV show..........


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
clarkii- so are you a girl- that boi at the end of your name made me think "boy"

haha i hope so... or we got a fruity fish swimming around lol


I was once watching 2 of my red leg hermits during a faceoff at the edge of a rock ledge. All of sudden, one grabbed the other and did a body slam over the edge of the cliff. It was hilarious! Like king of the hill (rock) or something.