WWF - Pepermint vs. Damsel


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WWF - World Wrestling for Fish
Pepermint Shrimp vs. Damsel
Well I just added a small clean up crew to the tank to join the Damsel that was there.
1 queen conch really cool edition
3 small hermit crabs (although one doesn not move from its spot, its alive but I got eye on it).
1 hitchhiking emerald crab another cool edition.
And 1 pepermint shrimp
Well the damsel keeps doing over and giving the pepermint a head but(.
). He does not seem to be getting hurt but he seems skidish. The Damsel :)happyfish) went over to him as soon as he was droped into the tank.
The pepermint spends all day in the front corner of the tank where there is no rock and has worked away the sand so that there is a depression where she stands. :sleepy: Making her the lowest thing in the tank and looking quite submissive. I am thinking of taking her back to the store tommorow.:nope:
Any ideas? Do you think I shoud give it another day or get her out while she is still hole and not needing a psycharists couch.


Active Member
I was gonna take the shrimp back. But I guess the damsel makes more sense. But he's so cute...that blus with the yellow tail that makes a apperience at every fish stroe in the US.
WHY-O-WHY can't we all just get along.
Do you think that this would be different with a cleaner shrimp instead? No? I did not think so.


Take the damsel back for sure. Those things are pure evil wrapped in an appealing eletric blue package. They will terrorize just about anything you try to add to your tank until the newcomer dies. I hate the way some stores recommend them as first fish to see if your tank has cycled. I fell into that trap and eventually had to hunt them down and get rid of them due to their wicked ways. I had 5 in a 55 gal and they all lived and killed everything I put in except a blennie and a couple clowns. I hate them.


This fits right in with what I was wondering too.
My tank is new, so I have 4 I cycled the tank with. I had 5, but one of the yellow tails jumped out overnight on the first day.:jumping:
Out of the 4 that are left, one of them is a yellow tail, 2 are black and white striped, and one is "orangey" with two small black dots (chromis?).
The three stripes and the yellow tail mind their own business, but are always being chased around by the orange one. He's a devil
, and I would imagine have to be taken out in order to add any other peaceful type fish.
Will one of the other damsels take over the role of instigator once I get Wild Man out of there?
What additional fish would get along the best with the three damsels that would be left (potentailly), or should I just take them "all" back to the LFS?
I'm getting the feeling they should probably all go back.


I am not familiar with any other than the plain blue and 3 spotted or domino damsels. My terror right now is actually a male sunrise dottyback. I have 2 and well I know he is the male for sure after today. I noticed he wasn't anywhere to be seen and I was just about to add the final fish two fish to my tank, a longnose hawk and a flame angel. I acclimated the fish and put them in and to my surprise no terrorist coming out and bothering things. He stayed in his cave. So I got a flashlight and peered deep within the cave to see a giant wad of eggs. He was being a good daddy and guarding them. My new fish couldn't have had more perfect timing. Although he has come out now and started battling with the angel a little bit. The funny thing is the angel has been winning even though the dotty is the instigator. The angel has just been minding its own business but seems to always be aware of an attack and quickly turns to the offensive.


I had pink, blue, and blue yellow tail damsels. All the fish where aggressive. They get worse the bigger they get. I noticed once i took out the meanest one another took its place. I heard yellow damsels are friendly, but i wouldn't take a chance. I regret getting them. The fighting causes stress which leads to ick or death. I try to have friendly fish in my tank.
I would get some percula clowns. They are less aggressive and just as hardy as damsels.


Clowns and chromis are damsels. I've got 2 perculas and love 'em!
Some damsels will be less aggressive than others. If you really want to have one (or more), I'd try to observe their behavior with tankmates at the LFS if you can.


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This morning I woke to all 3 of my small hermit crabs sitting piled up under the peppermint in the corner. They were all just walking around. I found it quite odd. Then tonight they were all still there. Sitting under the crab. :notsure: I checked them and they are still alive. Would the damsel or shrimp bother with the small crabs? :notsure: My queen conck is still walking aroung eating away. :cheer:
Humm...Not nice Mr. Damsel. Looks like you are going back to the fish store tommorow. buy-buy


Well, the damsels went bye-bye. I just returned from the LFS.

I bought two peppermint shrimp today, and as soon as I got them into the tank, the damsels went after them. I was actually considering keeping them, but that was pretty much the last straw. I had to take just about everything out of the tank to do it, but it had to be done.


Active Member
Instead of taking the damsel back and not getting anything I would of traded it for another damsel of the same thing since the new one would be that new it would probly left the other stuff alone.



Originally posted by ninjamini
You and me funkyman!

You got it buddy.:D
I got half credit for them. I didn't bring anything back home though, since I wanted the tank to settle down again. I'm just happy the peppermint shrimp survived the whole ordeal.


yeah i have two yellowtail damsels and they get along fine with everyone and usually just hide if someone decides to challenge them


Active Member
Humm it seems that the damsels behaviour is improving. But the pepper is still in the corner until the lights go off and the damsel is sleeping behind a rock.
I think I will give them till monday to work things out. If they dont become the best of friends and stop this WWF behaviour then its out of the tank for the damsel. Mabey I will take him to a friends house that has a puffer for some manors. Just kidding dont get your undies in a bunch. I like the damsel and will be sad to see it go.


The peppermint shrimp I saved from death by Damsel were instead met with death by skimmer.

I wondered why I hadn't seen them recently, and just assumed they were hiding. I was checking the outlet filter pad in the skimmer which I also have a carbon bag in. When I picked up the carbon bag, there were little shrimp pieces parts in there. Evidentally they had crawled in the inlet chamber and were victims of the water pump.
I've bought three more shrimp, and had to devised a makeshift cover for the inlet box.


Active Member
all of the damsels are aggressive and will terrorize any other fish you put in. Also, once you figure out you have to get rid of them, its really difficult to catch them. Clowns are ok and green chromis are okay. If you get the green chromis get at least 5 and they'll shoal. If you only get 3, mostly likely 2 will gain up on the third and you'll be left with only 2. With 5, you should be ok.


Active Member
I would do what I suggested. Take the fish back and then tell them you want to trade for a diffrent one just not at the time "they will give you credit" then let the shrimp adjust for 3 or 4 days then introduce another fish "exact same thing just diffrent one" and since the shrimp will be established and the fish will be new it shouldnt bother the shrimp "in theory".