X Large Refugium

fish head

Does anyone have a schematic or pic of a refugium with a sump that is at least 60% the display tank size?
I want to set up a refugium up in the basement, which will be fed from the main display tank on 1st floor. I will have lots of room to work with in the basement, so extra large sump and refugium sizes are not problem. I would like to have the refugium beig fed by the sump.


What is the display size? just get a tank that is 60% smaller and section it off:
see if this works here
ok had to add the dots ignore them ya get the general idea here.


Fish Head,
I too have the filtration equipment in the basement with lots of extra room. My Fuge is feed from the sump probably like you are looking at. The fuge+sump is about 25% (80gallons) of the tank volume (300gallons) but it might give you a decent idea of how to set it all up. Working in a large area such as a basement utility room or something has great benefits with efficiency of maintenance. I will try to get a picture posted when I get home tonight.

fish head

My display will be 175 gal Oceanic Bowfront. with a 125 gal refugium and 50 gal sump. That's just the rough draft for now