xandrew25xs DIY led build


I have heard how good led lights are, and how much more energy efficient they are. Only downfall is the price, I have a pretty good understanding of general electric and wiring so I feel like this is something I could do.
I have already done some research and know to use the 3W Led bulbs
I have a 75 gallon tank 48" long, i'm curious to what price range I would be looking at to build an led system?


Thats not bad at all, a lot better then 2000 for some pre made led units ;P Going to talk to corey about it, and maybe get some guidance and a part list, and a design, and I think I'll be on my way to ordering parts!


Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/390400/diy-led#post_3457325
Thats not bad at all, a lot better then 2000 for some pre made led units ;P Going to talk to corey about it, and maybe get some guidance and a part list, and a design, and I think I'll be on my way to ordering parts!
Sounds good. You can also pick my husbands brain: Mr btldreef. He built ours and has built quite a few units for others as well.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/390400/diy-led#post_3457404
Sounds good. You can also pick my husbands brain: Mr btldreef. He built ours and has built quite a few units for others as well.
Speaking of which I may need to pick his brain about a few things myself if he's still around. Wondering if he's still seeing any issues using that typhon controller with his HLG drivers. I'll send him a p.m. tonight to inquire.
Andrew: I got your messages, I'll have to look over them tonight when I get home to see what all you got when I have some more time. Looks like you're on the right track though.


Corey, he's around, just PM him. We just upgraded to the Apex, but I think he figured everything out with the other one, just wanted an all in one and wanted to upgrade our old tank controller.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps we can keep it out here where everyone can see it. That way we have the benefit of multiple minds seeing it and potentially as many good ideas.
Can you share your current idea again?


I would love too!

In this design I was planning on using 32 royal blue bulbs, 16 whites and 6 reds.
6 blues would be hooked to a single 700 ma buckpuck
6 whites would be hooked to a single 1000 ma buckpuck
6 reds will be hooked to a single 700 ma buckpuck
The leds will be mounted to two 12x8.5 heatsinks
This was just a rough drawing, I didn't look into spacing or anything when I drew this, I will put more leds on each heatsink if there is room for it.
Also I considered adding some angled lenses to the blues and whites towards the middle to help direct more light into the middle of the tank.
That, or add another smaller heatsink in the middle with about half the leds as the big ones.
I'm open to suggestions, so fire away!
EDIT: I also want to put moonlights on, but I haven't been able to find much info on them in my search.


I did some math and came up with,
One 12x8.5 heatsink could hold 48 leds with 1" spacing between them
This is the max amount I could put on , i'm looking for in the range of 30 on each side + moonlights




36- Royal blue $122.40

18-Cool white $81.00
10- Moonlight $25.00

6-red $33.00

Meanwell dimmable driver $34.00



7-700ma buckpuck $111.86

3 1000ma buckpuck $47.94

Wire $12.50

Total: 172.30


2-12x8.5 heatsink 59.04


Various other parts $100


Well-Known Member
You're going to need more drivers than one if you run the Mean Wells. You might want to take a look at getting two of the 36 led retro kits with the dimmable drivers. And one of their moonlight kits.
Might want to go with a mix ration of:
36 - XP-E or XT-E (preferably) Royal Blue
12 - XP-E Cool Blue (Blue)
24 - XP-G Neutral White
6 - Mean Well ELN 60-48 D drivers.
2 - Heat Sinks or Long Linear Design...it's up to you how you want to build it.
2 - Potentiomers
1 - 10v d.c. power supply
A pair of fans.
20awg wire
Electrical Solder
Soldering Iron
Thermal paste or Grease depending on how you want to mount the leds
Digital Meter
You'll want to make some type of splash guard or probably make a case for your heat sinks or framework to sit in to isolate the electrical components depending on how you build it.
What else am I missing?


I'm not sure if I confused you or something, the meanwell driver was for the moonlights, I was going to use the buckpucks as the drivers for everything else, they are much cheaper.
Two of the 36 piece retro kits wouldn't be to bad I guess, I would just need to buy my heatsinks then and everything else for my housing and such correct? The kit has everything I need to hook it all up and get the leds running.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/390400/diy-led#post_3457701
I'm not sure if I confused you or something, the meanwell driver was for the moonlights, I was going to use the buckpucks as the drivers for everything else, they are much cheaper.
The buck pucks themselves are cheaper. But in order to use them you also have to have a separate D.C. power supply to drive them for them to operate. And if you plan on having separate channels to control the different colors and moonlights etc. Then that's really going to drive the cost up as well because you'll need to use separate power supplies for each channel. In a cost comparison most folks find it easier to just use the Mean Wells. It's also far less wiring to have to deal with.


If I buy the led retro kits, it says they come with 3 power cords, does that mean that I would have to plug in all three? Using two of these kits that means I would have a total of 6 cords plugged in just for my lights, seems like a lot.


Well-Known Member
I'd tie the drivers for the individual colors together to minimize the cords. For instance if you have two drivers running royal blue leds than you tie the power wires for both drivers into one cord etc.