xbox 360 1 ring of death


ok guys i gonna need some advice on what to do.
ok i have an xbox 360 and a week ago it stated blinking red in the lower right quadrant.i did everything told me to do still not this problem is a hardware failure.
now i will turn on the xbox without the av connecter and it will turn green and then when i plug the av connector back in 5 seconds later it will start blinking red i know for sure that it is a problem with the av connector of some sort but what im wondering is, is it a problem with the cord itself or is it a problem where you plug in the cord in the if you guys cannot help me what should i do
1.sent it to microsoft to get it fixed(dont really want to do)
2.go buy a new av connector cord
3. or buy a new xbox (dont really want to do)
alright guys thanks for your help
much appreciated


Active Member
Originally Posted by Truefishman
ok guys i gonna need some advice on what to do.
ok i have an xbox 360 and a week ago it stated blinking red in the lower right quadrant.i did everything told me to do still not this problem is a hardware failure.
now i will turn on the xbox without the av connecter and it will turn green and then when i plug the av connector back in 5 seconds later it will start blinking red i know for sure that it is a problem with the av connector of some sort but what im wondering is, is it a problem with the cord itself or is it a problem where you plug in the cord in the if you guys cannot help me what should i do
1.sent it to microsoft to get it fixed(dont really want to do)
2.go buy a new av connector cord
3. or buy a new xbox (dont really want to do)
alright guys thanks for your help
much appreciated

The best thing to do is
1. Box it up
2. Pour gas on it
3. Light said box
4. Get a real game system
Prolly just have to send it back to Microsuck


Active Member

Originally Posted by Truefishman
ok guys i gonna need some advice on what to do.
ok i have an xbox 360 and a week ago it stated blinking red in the lower right quadrant.i did everything told me to do still not this problem is a hardware failure.
now i will turn on the xbox without the av connecter and it will turn green and then when i plug the av connector back in 5 seconds later it will start blinking red i know for sure that it is a problem with the av connector of some sort but what im wondering is, is it a problem with the cord itself or is it a problem where you plug in the cord in the if you guys cannot help me what should i do
1.sent it to microsoft to get it fixed(dont really want to do)
2.go buy a new av connector cord
3. or buy a new xbox (dont really want to do)
alright guys thanks for your help
much appreciated
did you do the update recently??? also is the lower right the only one that is light up red or are the other three quads red and its not lit???
Originally Posted by NigerBang

The best thing to do is
1. Box it up
2. Pour gas on it
3. Light said box
4. Get a real game system

Prolly just have to send it back to Microsuck
like your Wii or DS???


Active Member
Bring your xbox w/power pack to a game store. Game Stop, or even better Play-N-Trade. They should have an extra AV cord out they can connect to one of their tv's. If the new cord works, there ya go.
However, it's really interesting (read: bad) that your 360 is fine when the AV cord is disconnected. I think normal 360's should red ring when the cord is disconnected.


Active Member

Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Bring your xbox w/power pack to a game store. Game Stop, or even better Play-N-Trade. They should have an extra AV cord out they can connect to one of their tv's. If the new cord works, there ya go.
However, it's really interesting (read: bad) that your 360 is fine when the AV cord is disconnected. I think normal 360's should red ring when the cord is disconnected


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Like the beast Ps3 monster.. You know.. The real game system.. More cpus, better video card... you know.. the REAL deal..

ohhhh youre talking about the blue ray player that plays a couple of games that they have on the market...
i keed... i like the PS3 too... it is a great console...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
ohhhh youre talking about the blue ray player that plays a couple of games that they have on the market...
i keed... i like the PS3 too... it is a great console...
Its getting there... I really do think its the better system.. The price is what is killing it..everytime they drop the price they come out with another with a bigger harddrive so the price really stays the same...Luckly for me I have a 500gig ps3 lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Like the beast Ps3 monster.. You know.. The real game system.. More cpus, better video card... you know.. the REAL deal..

except no halo...
Originally Posted by ruaround

ohhhh youre talking about the blue ray player that plays a couple of games that they have on the market...
i keed... i like the PS3 too... it is a great console...
if ever Xbox sticks a blue ray in the 360 I'll buy them, until then I'll stick with my old one


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
except no halo...
if ever Xbox sticks a blue ray in the 360 I'll buy them, until then I'll stick with my old one
The 1st Halo was good... Second, meh, 3 sucked...the only thing it has going for it is the multiplayer... Not fast enough paced for me... Seems kinda slow..
Then again I play Unreal Tournament in Berserk mode...


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Its getting there... I really do think its the better system.. The price is what is killing it..everytime they drop the price they come out with another with a bigger harddrive so the price really stays the same...Luckly for me I have a 500gig ps3 lol
I think it is a better system
, but the Xbox Live blows the PS3's online platform outta the water.


Active Member
your right...with the exception of Home, its free,can download movies just like the xbox,internet 12 year olds sending you racist voice msgs..your right..


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
your right...with the exception of Home, its free,can download movies just like the xbox,internet 12 year olds sending you racist voice msgs..your right..
Well, I'm talking about actual online gaming, as that is pretty much all I do anymore. Its more user friendly, and there is WAY more people online. Yes the 12 year olds get annoying...