Xbox 360 at best buy stores


Active Member
if anyone is interested Best buy stores will have them again tomorrow 12-18. this is said to be rumer however i have called all four of my local stores this morning and all of them say they will have them.
i called a few other stores and all of them said they have them but a few said" we are not confirming this rumer" when I said that the other stores said they have them they get alot more talkative. all stores will have a min of 20 units to cover the sunday ad. like i said before this is just "rumer" right now BUT call around for yourself and you will see that it is a very true rumer. gl to anyone still wanting one. Get in line now if interested. my guess is this will be the last chance before christmas.
If you thought the prices on ---- are high now. wait untill monday when most people will have lost hope of getting on through normal channels. the price is going to go through the roof on ----


Active Member
I wonder what time they get shipments in... i'd hate to sit around there all day.. I was at bestbuy today and it was jam friggin packed and the lines were insane.


Active Member
I refuse to shop at Best Buy, on the holidays. Last year, the line stretched from the counters, down one wall and half way down the back wall of the store.
Never again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
I refuse to shop at Best Buy, on the holidays. Last year, the line stretched from the counters, down one wall and half way down the back wall of the store.
Never again.
Try shopping the day after Thanksgiving.. if you wanna see a bunch of idiots make a huge line... that is the time.


Active Member
Well thanks for the tip Oceana - the rumors were complete truth. I woke up this morning at 6 and went to bestbuy to get a xbox 360. I was about 15 people too late however.. but it was fun trying :)
The problem was it was printed in the news paper and on the news last night... which I didnt know about till this morning.. if nobody has opened there mouth I might have had one :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Well thanks for the tip Oceana - the rumors were complete truth. I woke up this morning at 6 and went to bestbuy to get a xbox 360. I was about 15 people too late however.. but it was fun trying :)
The problem was it was printed in the news paper and on the news last night... which I didnt know about till this morning.. if nobody has opened there mouth I might have had one :)

aww the stinks. i did not see it on our news but like i said it was all over the internet. for the last few weeks on all the gamer message boards. i got erhe at about 4 this morning and there was about 30 people in front of me. we got ours. they got in 42 units. YEAH!!.
now we can have one in our theater room and one in the bed room. i was planning to resell this since we got ours a few weeks ago but last night i decided if i got it i would keep it.
anyther tip for you
call all local targets in your area. EVERY morning at 8am on the nose.
they will be getting stock in this week. they get tehre trucks in late at night and the shelfs get stocked over night. when the staff comes in they see them for the first time. be sure to call first thing and be ready to haul azz if they check the shelf and say they got some.
all the store employees will be calling there friends so ya gotta be fast.
GL to ya. let me know if ya get one and we can hook up and play a few rounds of call of duty or something


Active Member
Or you could just sell me the extra one that really you dont even need and could totally wait till after Christmas for :p
Its people like YOU and the guy standing behind me that had 3 on ---- that are making it harder for simple folk like me to obtain one :p
I'll wait till after Christmas anyways.. im not in any kind of rush. I was actually able to play a 360 for the first time last night at Circuit City. They had that Kameo game there.. was actually fun :) You should check it out. The only reason im going to even buy a 360 is for ffonline and the elder scrolls IV


Active Member
I was online half the night waiting for Best Buy to post they had them, I fell asleep for 2 hours and woke out to find out they had sold out. I went to e-bay, bid on one was over bid ,bid on another one won that one then the one I bid on before e-mailed and said I won it due to the winning bidder not having a pay pay account. So now I have 2. I paid more for them then what I would have paid in the store, but Best Buy said they wouldn't have anymore probaly til March, I wanted it for Christmas for the hubby. If anyone is interested in the second one, I paid 808.00 plus shipping for it, its the one in the green box. If anyone is interested e-mail me. Lisa


Active Member
Are you planning on selling it for what you paid for it ?
I am honestly not in any rush to get one whatsoever. I am one of those sane people who can wait ;) My game (elder scrolls IV) doesnt come out for a while longer anyways.
I am happy for you that you got one for your husband though ;) although... now you may never see him again. :notsure:


Active Member
I will sell it for what I paid for it, I'm not out to make a profit off it, I would love to get some of my money back. I paid out over 1700.00 today on 2 of the dumb things.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BLUEBERRYBOOMER
I will sell it for what I paid for it, I'm not out to make a profit off it, I would love to get some of my money back. I paid out over 1700.00 today on 2 of the dumb things.
Sounds like a good deal. You could always put it back on ---- and try to get your money back for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BLUEBERRYBOOMER
I will sell it for what I paid for it, I'm not out to make a profit off it, I would love to get some of my money back. I paid out over 1700.00 today on 2 of the dumb things.

sorry to say but if you paid 808 for the core unit(the green box) you got screwed.
most are ending around 500-600 now later this week that will go up alot but as of right now that was way to much.
also why did you buy the second if you did not want it? i understand if it was to resell it but for 808 seemed odd you would have bought it. if you are not the high bidder and the high bidder backs out the seller can second chance offer it to you but you dont have to buy it. the only person that had an obligation was the high bidder.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Guy standing behind me in line says he sold the 299 unit for 1500 on ----.

just look right now. heck there are buy it nows for 545. some do sell that high but only to the people that dont pay any attention. i watched one auction end for 800 and the next for the same thing end for 500 a few min later. it drove me nuts to see the person bid again on the higher one when they could have bid on the lesser. i never understude why they would not be watching several to get the best deal.
to each is own i guess


You have to remember that some people are not actually selling xbox's and are scamming.
I do have one if anyone is interested. I will sell the premium and any access/games you want with it. I need to get rid of it so please let me know.
email me at


I have gone into Wally World every morning at 6am and ask if they got any in...Well YESTERDAY I GOT ONE!!! :jumping: :cheer:
That should make my sons Christmas!!!! If it works :thinking: :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by gordruls
I have gone into Wally World every morning at 6am and ask if they got any in...Well YESTERDAY I GOT ONE!!! :jumping: :cheer:
That should make my sons Christmas!!!! If it works :thinking: :notsure:

cool good for you. from the looks of ---- i think i will stop buyingh them just to sell now. price is going way down. still over retail but not by much at all anymore. plus they are getting easier to find. like you i also saw them for sale at a target near my house yesterday. 4 of them on the shelf. that was mid afternoon and they were still there.
as for them not working you should be fine. it is not nearly as many having problems as some of the news outlets are making it seem. there are no more broken 360's then any oterh major electronic that is released. pepole just like to whine about stuff when its making the news. ours works very well and so do the other machines i have played on.


I think most people who are saying they have constant problems don't know what they're talkin about. Over however many million came out a select few are having problems. I'm glad ya'll got one and you'll enjoy them. I would've loved a 360 for x-mas. I haven't had one problem with mine and I got it the night they came out. Thank god for my gaming store having a waiting list. You'll be satisfied!!!!


Active Member
I hear people constantly going 'oh im not buying one because they have problems'. I feel like just screaming at those people. It is a VERY small amount of the xbox 360's with a malfunction. Which if you have one of those nearly litterally one in thousands then you get it fixed completely for free.. so whats the big deal?
Morons in this world I tell you...


Active Member
I work at Best Buy, let me tell you. Each and every employee hates customers just as much as they hate us....Seriously if i get one more stupid question from a retard customer im going to punch um right in the face.
seriously..why do people come in 2 days before christmas and expect everything in stock?....they should have been smart like the majority of the population ahd shopped 2 weeks ago when stuff was actully in stock....geeeeeze...
i hate retail...
save me...
i hate customers..
seriously im not even kidding, i dont even go shopping i hate it so much.
(thanks for letting me clear my throat)..haha :cheer: