Xbox 360 at best buy stores


Active Member
Originally Posted by BLUEBERRYBOOMER
I was online half the night waiting for Best Buy to post they had them, I fell asleep for 2 hours and woke out to find out they had sold out. I went to e-bay, bid on one was over bid ,bid on another one won that one then the one I bid on before e-mailed and said I won it due to the winning bidder not having a pay pay account. So now I have 2. I paid more for them then what I would have paid in the store, but Best Buy said they wouldn't have anymore probaly til March, I wanted it for Christmas for the hubby. If anyone is interested in the second one, I paid 808.00 plus shipping for it, its the one in the green box. If anyone is interested e-mail me. Lisa

You know, technically I don't think you have to take that one. If you lost the bid and later bid on another, that guy should have asked you if you wanted it. I don't think you win by default. If that were the case, millions of people would be S.O.L. So, I would tell them you purchased another one after you lost. Its not your fault the person was not pay pal certified. If they fight you on it, get the auction sight involed. You really aren't responsible for that bid once you are outbid.
a friend of ours spent the night in LINE at best buy!! They came out and told people how many they had, and the rest of the people went home.


Active Member
I asked my hubby about this. He said no way you were responisble to take an item that you were originally outbid on. The seller was supposed to send you a "second Chance" offer Hopefully this isn't too late for you. If you already have it, I would get the auction site involved.
Second Chance Offer
A feature that lets you make an offer to a non-winning bidder when either the winning bidder has failed to pay for your item, or you have a duplicate of the item.
You can create a Second Chance Offer immediately after a listing ends and up to 60 days after the end of the listing. ---- does not charge an Insertion Fee, but if the bidder accepts your offer, the regular Final Value Fee is charged.
In the case of an Unpaid Item, you should ensure that everything has been done to resolve the issue with the winning bidder before sending a Second Chance Offer to another bidder. See the Unpaid Items Process for details.