Xbox360 Or Playstation 3


I dont think the ps3 will be better than the Xbox360 but then again i could really care less cause i know i am going to end up getting both in the long run so they will both do what i want to do and i'm going to enjoy them both. From screen caps i've seen of some xbox games it's going to be hard and then it comes to the point of how much better do you need to get.


Originally Posted by 1968OldsMa
From screen caps i've seen of some xbox games it's going to be hard and then it comes to the point of how much better do you need to get.

virtual reality
full motion human/user interaction .. haha
one day


Active Member
did ytou see that killer camera that the ps3 has. at e3 there is a video of a guy on stage holding two cups and standing in front of this camera and he is scooping up water out of a tub and pouring it into the otehr cup all on the screen. what he did on teh stage happened in the demo. I'm not sure i would use somthing like that but still neat to watch


I prefer nintendo over both. But hte x-box r. is going to really good i think as long as the price isnt way to high.


Active Member
LOL nintendo being talked about in the same tread as playstation and xbox is like talking about "Dora the Explorer" while talking about "--- in the City" and "24". haha not even close to being in the same ball park.


Active Member
I love 24 and it is hilarious that the other guy broght up nintendo. that should be illegal to do!
ahahahahahahahahaa NINTENDO SUCKS


Nintendo is a great tool for future gamers to sharpin there skills. Then they can move up to the big boy toys with Xbox or Playstation. Atari has some great games coming out did anyone see there games of the future at E3?


Nintendo are one of the ones that starting gaming if it wont have been for them, video games wont be where they are today


so true but you have to know when to let go ... i have ... and it wasn't as hard as i thought... but i keep a couple systems around(NES & SNES) just for the reason of love for the OG's of gaming


I don't think i need to be "letting go" i guess im just the odd one, dont get me worng i love some shooting and racing games but i mean there are so many and yes nintedno is going to have to get a little more grown up games if they still want to compete in the new gaming industry but i like all my mario games and no one is going to change that. I jusy dont want to see them go under like sega did. Sega was one of the best, they were just ahead of there time.


it's so advanced it wont be out till PS4 comes out, heres a screenshot



By the looks of that game I now know why my shares for Atari "ATAR" are only worth 2.64$ a share


Im definately going to buy the PS3, I haven't even think about buying the x box 360. The reason why I prefer playstation is cause of the games, the x box has better graphics then the PS2 but most of the games suck IMO. I mean why would I buy a system that has bad ass graphics but almost no games that I like.............but this is just me. Oh and I also didn't like the controllers from the X box, and I just saw the ones from the PS3 and they kinda have the same shape(same shape as the ones from the X box) unfortunately.


In all honesty, the way you guys talk about nintendo makes me sick. I love my xbox and gamecube and I never did like sony. Before the whole fanboy thing starts, I suggest taking a long look at what you said about nintendo and see how retarded it was. "saying nintendo is like talking about 24 and --- and the city" worst analogy ever...if you dotn supposrt nintendo for all the contributions they made and will make with their new system then you my friends are completly out of touch with video games. " I cant wait for the new ps3 b/c they added a pool table to it now" thats basicly what sony does to get buyers, add more media capabilities, which is fine until it gets way out of control. Video games werent meant to be dvd players and dj booths all in one. Also, the whole nintendo thing bein kiddie isnt even an arguement b/c they had resident evil and a bunch of other games that were way better than most games for ps2. Everyone has their preferences, but ruling out nintendo is assinine and I think they have something that will open peoples eyes to why they were the founding fathers.


Active Member
i give nintendo 10 years before they are no longer a household name. when i say commador 64 or atari 7800 to my 6 year old he looks at me as if to say"what are you 100"
soon nintendo will be just like that. even now all studies show that the ONLY way sold near the amount of units they did in there 2004-2005 physical year is due to there price. even Mr walters said in his stock holders meeting that its a every tuff up hill climb. its not that its bad but but the fact remaines that if they dont step things up and play with the big boys they are going to be come a thing of the past .
dont get me wrong i mean they do have there place but as of right now the only place they will be filling will be 3rd



Originally Posted by oceana
i give nintendo 10 years before they are no longer a household name. when i say commador 64 or atari 7800 to my 6 year old he looks at me as if to say"what are you 100"
soon nintendo will be just like that. even now all studies show that the ONLY way sold near the amount of units they did in there 2004-2005 physical year is due to there price. even Mr walters said in his stock holders meeting that its a every tuff up hill climb. its not that its bad but but the fact remaines that if they dont step things up and play with the big boys they are going to be come a thing of the past .
dont get me wrong i mean they do have there place but as of right now the only place they will be filling will be 3rd

lol, this is why Nintendo is the ONLY
company (game division for sony and microsoft) that turns profit?
Below is a c/p of numbers from every time this argument comes up.

Microsoft posted its fiscal year 2004 (Year Ended June 30) earnings. It includes data per division. All numbers are in millions of dollars.
Home and Entertainment: $2.876 billion
Home and Entertainment: $1.215 billion loss
So Microsoft poured about 1.2 Billion into trying to steal the gaming market and failed with the Xbox.

While software shipment was on the rise for Sony's game division, the shrinking demand for (and supply of) its PlayStation 2 hardware and price markdowns on the machine affected the division's overall revenues, bringing it down by 6.5 percent to 729.8 billion yen ($6.87 billion).
PlayStation 2 hardware shipments fell by 3.93 million to 16.17 million units for the full year, while PSOne units were down 540,000 to 2.77 million units. Operating profits in the game division were also hit by costs related to the PlayStation Portable launch--plunging 36.1 percent to 43.2 billion yen ($407 million).
The playstation hardware is getting to old for new game releases apparently, and Sony reports a 407 Million dollar loss for the year in gaming division.

Sales $4.26 billion
Profit $0.57 billion
Nintendo comes away with a cool 570 Million in profit.
Third place seems pretty damn good to me

Funny too, Nintendo hardware is vastly inferior to the PS2/Xbox, but they offer games that don't rely on processing power to be fun.