xenia and inverts


Active Member
hey all,
this kinda ties into my other post about a cleanup crew for an invert tank, but i was also doing some searching of previous threads and am now toying with the idea of trying to grow xenia (in addition to feather caulerpa) in my invert tank. I have tried various caulerpas and found my inverts will eat all of them BUT feather caulerpa. However, since I do have living critters (not all of whom have a shell to hide in) in the invert tank, I keep it lit only 12 hrs a day as opposed to the 24 hrs I would need to truly have success with caulerpa. So, I was thinking of growing some xenia as well. Do you think this would work? Does anyone have experience with large inverts attempting to eat xenia? Mainly I would just like to diversify the plant life absorbing nitrates from the system to help control algae growth and feather caulerpa alone doesn't seem to be doing the job. Also, is 130 watts on a 50 gal tank sufficient for growing xenia?


hi leigh,
i have about 2.5 watts per gallon (Smartlite PC) on my 46 bow and my pulsing xenia are growing like weeds. however, i do have them near the top. i also supplement with iodine every week. i dont know if godzilla would bother them but in my experience it doesnt matter. you just cant kill xenia. believe me, i know, i've tried :eek:.


Active Member
hot dog, thanks...i got some today while at the lfs (along with 2 more urchins and 2 trippy cool looking snails--they're like mexican snails but their soft body parts are RED)...anyhow, godzilla's already trying to eat the urchins :( hopefully they'll fend him off. the xenia looks good however :)
thanks for the input