900, I know. I guess it was deleated by the Moderators but no explination as to why. I asked for one but havnt got an explination yet so I want repost unless I here something. Sorry.....
Give me an e-mail.....
I have mounted or I'll pull stalks off my rock. Local pick up only. No shipping. Oakland Park Blvd. and Andrews Av. area. Will sell or trade for colorfull zoos or rics. ect.
Im afraid to post prices cause my earlier thread had prices and mayby thats why it got deleated. I still dont know. The prices are cheap. Im going to do them cheaper than the original post. If you like these corals you will like the prices.
i'm interested in some xenia. don't know how to send you an email since your profile restricts email. what type of xenia and how much. my email is lunsford@gate.net.
Originally Posted by Dogstar
900, I know. I guess it was deleated by the Moderators but no explination as to why. I asked for one but havnt got an explination yet so I want repost unless I here something. Sorry.....
Id very much like some green things and red things and yellow thingies , and the lavendar also if avail, i am out of town till friday morning but could stop by friday afternoon number is 954 614 0958 are ou parting out or just thining out. thanks