Xenia and zoo update


yes yes yes! the green colony is taking over the red. frag off the red and place it on its own rock. the baths arnt doing anything. the problem is the green zoas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
yes yes yes! the green colony is taking over the red. frag off the red and place it on its own rock. the baths arnt doing anything. the problem is the green zoas.

I will give it a try, although it has been awhile since I have seen the reds open... but I guess it is worth a shot!


Active Member
Well I feel dumb now, I tried to frag my red zoas. I actually was successful to an extent. I was able to get the red off the rock fairly easily and glued them to a new rock, but aparently I did not glue them well enough since I looked away and when I looked back the reds were gone. I imagine the fell down to the bottom of the tank between some rocks since I was unable to find them.. Oh well, they weren't opening anyways and I learned what to watch for when I frag my zoas again...