Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
is there any reason why you are qt'ing your corals? Unlike fish typically most people do not qt them. Unless you are afraid of zoo eating nudi's or acro bugs, there really is no reason to qt, unless your DT is not fully cycled.... Just a question, not trying to flame you or anything, everyone has there own way, and yeah, the zoos are great beginner corals, and the enxia as said before is hit or miss. I would also recommend trying some yellow polyps or mushrooms as start corals. The yellow polyps will do fine if left alone, but multiply like crazy if you turkey baste them with brine or mysis, I have to many as of now.....
The reason for QT corals is I don't know what kind of water these corals will be in, and even though they can't show signs of ich, they can still be carriers of it and/or unwanted hitch hikers. So doing the three week QT will help reduce the chances of anything bad getting into my DT. Many aquarists are starting to do this, as an added protective measure.