xenia buffalo area

I know I said I would try to come to you but my life has just been nuts the past few weeks.......any way you would ship some this way??

b bauer

I have never shipped any and I have been told does not ship well.If you still want some I can hold some for you.Just give a ball park time and I will save some for you.
Someone one here shipped me some from Ct and it did well and shipping would be less than gas
but if you really arent interested in shipping, I may be able to come in 2 weeks. lmk


Where in buffalo are you located? Do you have anything other than the xenia for sale? I'm in Rochester, NY.
Go Bills!

b bauer

Originally Posted by emm0909
Where in buffalo are you located? Do you have anything other than the xenia for sale? I'm in Rochester, NY.
Go Bills!
pm sent

b bauer

Originally Posted by kschu
Can't find any pm can you please send again still very interested
look where your name is and it says private messages.I live near lincoln park