xenia corals


I have a rock with 5 seperate xenias on it and 4 of the 5 are dk brown and wont open now the other opens up and is fine do i need to remove these xenias that don't open because im not sure if their dead.and if dead why did they die and not the other one?my water parameters are good please help.also i have a couple aiptasia anenomes that im trying to get rid of do they hurt corals?


I believe aptasia can sting corals but I am not 100% on that. If you want to get rid of them try getting some peppermint shrimp, they feed on those things. If you do not want to get those, try injecting the aptasia with a needle and syringe full of Kalkwasser.
As far as the xenia, how long has it been in the tank? How old is the tank, what kind of lighting and what exactly are your levels?


i had the tank up and running for 11 months now and the xenias i had for two months i use a 96 watt power compact smartlite on a 35 gallon hexagon.
my levels
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 15-20
ph 8.3
temp 78-80
salinty 1.022
calcium 400
kh 4.0
phosphate .5-0
also i have a torch coral,bubble,hammer,flower pot,mushroom anenomes,mushrooms,feather dusters, and a chili coral all are doing excellant.