xenia growth?


I put this in about a week ago and the tiny clusters at the base receded. I've kind of filed the recession under acclimation and have notice some small growth around the edges. This morning I noticed this protrusion from the side pointing down. Is this new growth reaching for the rock? That'd be sweet.


where upstate you located? upstate upstate like rochester or upstated (according to NYC folks) westchester?... i live in westchester.. wanna trade frags of xenia? got mine posted at frags.org under the same user name..


New Member
I just resently bought two frags from LFS and I have found them an like four different places now. They spead like crazy!!


I'm truely upstate. Saratoga county. I don't have any xenia to trade, this is my first and only piece, it's only really a frag itself. Hopefully I'll keep my system happy and have more than I know what to do with soon enough.


Here's what you will get if the stuff likes your tank.This is about 1/2 of my colony.I'm taking a motherload to the lfs to trade for some new stuff for my other tank.


Active Member
my xenia looks like the ones in the first pic, but the polyps arent as feathery and sometimes they pulse.. i hope they survive :confused:


An LFS has a couple big rocks. They are mesmerizing at any size, but esspecially in big chunks. I hope to have a species only tank, for fuge and fragging.


xenia ROCKS>.
i got my first xenia stalks yesturday! bought 2 stalks for 15.00 they look awsome.. put them under my 2x65pc and lunar's at night. and i woke up this morning to 3 stalks! :D
trust me im more excited now then on xmas morning as a kid *rotfl:
sweet xenia pic.. (firstone) mine is same stuff nice a feathery pulsing like crazy.. stuff is soo cool...
as for the xenia farm.. :eek: wow should be able to pull in a decent trade at the lfs forsure ! :D


What does xenia do for the tank? Does it go for the nitrates, phosphates? If I put some in my fuge will it go to my main tank?


I have only had this stuff in my tank for a couple of years.It acts like some kind of alien.It will find ways to grow anywhere in my tank.Sometimes the tips will drop off,then get blow around the tank to grow.I recently removed all of it off the glass on one side.Some of the pieces that lost thier slime coat ended up melting away.I think this is a big part of what holds them together.The melted pieces have began to show some new growth after 3 days.And,some of the frags actually attached themselves upside down,and have began to grow new stalks even upside down.If I knew it was going to grow out of ontrol like this I either would have tried to isolate it better or justnot put it in at all.Pretty ironic how I have the problem keeping it from spreading when I can remember when I had problems getting anything to grow!

bang guy


Originally posted by condork12
you ust have absolutly no nitrates with all of that xenia in there.:eek: :eek:

Thank you for sharing that.



Originally posted by condork12
you ust have absolutly no nitrates with all of that xenia in there.:eek: :eek:

Hey I didn't knwo that!! I had pulsing Xenias, they died....:eek: Who can kill them.....ME!!!


well in case you think im an idiot. i said that beause xenia feed on nitrates and phosphates. but nice try though.

bang guy

Nah, I'm the idiot. I thought chinnyr was posting that there's no nitrate in the tank. I also believe Xenia is a great nutrient export. Just looking for outside confirmation.