Xenia in Seattle


I have WAAAY too much xenia in my 200.
It is pulsing xenia and is going nuts.
I have 4 large stalks and 6-8 small stalks all attached to my overflow.
The stuff peels off very gently and very easily... it attaches over night to shells or small rocks. I have already tranferred alot to my refugium... but that is getting out of control too.
Here's the problem. I am out of small shells and rocks. My jawfish are talking them all. :)
If you want some... please reply to this post.
If you have something to swap/trade cool... we can talk for the big stalks...
if you want a freebee... I have many many small frags that do great for transplanting.
I don't want to get into shipping... but if you are in the seattle area let me know.

cwazy clow

hey yea i would love some stuff when i start my tank in early spring ~january when i move my koi outside and i have an empty tank..do you think you will still have a lil bit of freebees in jan..i only would want like a lil b/c its onyl a 10g nano =) ??


New Member
Hello, I would love some but don't know if I"m ready for that yet. I have a 29 gallon tank that I've been learning on for 4 years. It has been set up at our current house for 1 year. I only have a small amount of LR, maybe about 10lbs. I have hermits and snails and a little yellow damsel. I have a 304 fluval as my filtration, no skimmer or anything like that. I have two standard hood lights with reef bulbs.
Is all of this good enough for Xenia? I don't want to kill anything, but would absolutely love to try!!! I live down on McChord AFB, and would be more than happy to come pick some up if you think it's a good idea. I'm a very quick learner, just haven't had the funds to really get going yet...I just had twins. :joy: :joy:
Thank you so much! I'm going to do a little research on them now. :happyfish


New Member
Hey I would be interested in takeing some off your hands but I live in Bend Or. it would have to ship but if you need to get rid of it I would pay for overnight. let me know


Cwazy: This stuff grows like weeds... I'll probably still have some.
Jalurao: I have this stuff growing in my refugium with almost no light.
As long as your temp, PH, and salinity is stable... maybe dose/test for Iodine... you should be fine.
I will be out of town till friday... and could hook up with you on the coming weekend. I have several pieces (about 20) that are small and easily attached to rockwork. I have some that I will peel off the plastic walls... they usually attach to your rocks or a shell overnight.
Benuski: Ditto on being out of town for the week (see above).
My schedule is really rough right now... being available to work with a shipper is the difficulty. If you aren't in a hurry we could work on it in January (I know i will still have some). My schedule gets more normal after the new year. Otherwise... I end up in Portland alot... perhaps we could meet... interstate coral smuggling. :)


New Member
I would be more than happy to come get some. But, if by chance you are heading to Portland anytime soon, would you be willing to drop some off to me at McChord AFB? I have 3 month old twins, so it is a bit of a production to keep them content on a long car ride. If not though, I am certainly willing to come get them! I'm off to double check all my levels now! :cheer:


Hey guys,
Jalurao: I'll be heading to Portland in early January if that works for you.
if you are wanting to start earlier... we can set up a time to meet.
Nate: Sent you an e-mail.
I don't like posting my e-mail on boards as it is my business account. I don't run a personal e-mail addy. To keep in touch we can always post back and forth here. I think I will always have a ton of Xenia in my tank.


New Member
RSD, Early January would be wonderful. That will give me time to get the LR I need to finish the tank and make sure everything is ready. Thanks so much!!!


New Member
Hey RSD if it works out great. I get to Portland now and again. It sounds like very healthy Xenia would love to get some I might come up with something cool to trade or figure out something to make it worth your time


Unfortunately I don't have any LR to spare.
I have been fraggin so much that I don't even have enough rubble at this point. All my LR is pretty integrated and running about 10-20 lbs per piece.
I have a 200 gal set up... so it is hard to piece together small pieces... just too unstable.
You can get good deals at Midway and Fish Gallery. If you travel farther north Blue sierra is my fav. spot to hit.
Down south... I am not sure where to shop.
Good luck,

cwazy clow

yea im like 10 mins away from blue sireara and like 20 mins from fish gallery but its like supper expensive..i would want like 6 a # but they are all like 8..haha


sent you an e-mail.
Cwazy: If you are that close to Blue sierra... I can hook up with you some time soon. I was up there today dropping off xenia (someone told me thew were low... wrong)
I wouldn't worry too much about rock counts if you want xenia... this stuff is growing in my sump too. It is a pretty easy coral to care for... just make sure your temp/PH/Salinity is stable and dose/test for iodine. Life is good from there.

cwazy clow

yea..that would b great. i found this other "site" that is like the message boards here and its JUST WA trades/sales/into and etc. its pretty great. r33ffr0nt13rs dot com check it out..good place to do just WA


Would love to send some... but New York is a bit far to drive. :)
I don't work normal enough hours to actually work with a shipper and don't have the heaterpacks to keep them safe for a long flight.
As it is I am reading e-mail from the Las Vegas airport. Ya do what ya do when you have time.