XENIA looks healthy but.......


my xenia looks extremely healthy....and its pulsing...but the thing is that...the base is turning yellow and looks like its shriveling....but yet my xenia has never been so big and look soo healthy...
is the base shriveling and turning yellow a bad thing?
i currently have a 2 month old 72 g reef tank
90 live rock
5 inch dsb
blue tang
2 cleaner
1 fire shrimp
i might think because i had too much current on it...it was basically thrown to the side for a while...but i switch location to lesser current...
im also currently dosing it with iodine daily
amonia nitrite 0
and nitrite 20
please help..i dont want my coral to die...thanks


Sorry to be the one to say it but yellowing of this coral is an indication of Die off.:( Not neccessarly your fault Xenia some times does this.
What is your SG, PH and Alk levels look like? These are all important factors with Xenia.


Active Member
I feel your pain. Mine just crashed and melted away in a matter of a couple days. Never found out why. All parameters seemed fine.
If I learned anything it was to act early. When they crashed they took some others with them as they spoiled the water some.
Do water changes and keep a close eye. If they melt all the way just do a few more water changes.
Probably wouldn't hurt to run some carbon too.
Good Luck!
Usually xenias will show the first signs of tank trouble. If there is something wrong at all with your tank they will know.