xenia not looking good


New Member
I purchased this yesterday - Looked great at store - I acclimated and put in tank. The stem looks full but the fingers are small. Please advise. All readings perfect in tank.



I'm not an expert but I think they prefer to be closer to the top of the tank.... Anyone else??


New Member
it was on the sand in the store. I was going to move it later but just put it there for now. If you think it will make a differennce i will move it now.


Active Member
If you just got it yesterday, I think its pretty normal for it not to be fully inflated yet. Sometimes corals take a few days before they feel comfortable enough to bloom.
I recommend that you move your xenia up higher as well, as they are photosynthetic and require intense lighting. My pulsing xenia are almost on the very top of my rock formation, and they are still moving upwards even with metal halide lighting.


Active Member
I've seen people place theirs in sand.. no offense but your lighting probably isnt as good as the stores :) So while they had bright enough light to be able to place it at the bottom you may wanna consider a higher position.. they do like zee light! I dont know what you're running so its hard to comment anymore on your lights.
Like mudplayerx said it is absolutely normal for Xenia and most other corals to go through a break-in period in which they get used to your tank.. they'll not look like they do at the stores because at the stores they've already had a break-in period. Give it another day or so.. mine took about two days before they were fully happy... now I cant stop them from growing.. and I wouldnt want to seeing as how they are making me FILTHY RICH!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. ok not rich but I sold a couple.


New Member
Moved it up higher in the tank. Still does not look good. Everything else looks great. Elegant Coral is open and looking great. X-Mas worms out and looking great. Just the new xenia does not look good.