xenia overgrowth problem


Active Member
no way to stop it. try trading it to a lfs for credit, or post it on here for trade/sell. if you can get rid of it and its growing over corals, just throw out whatever you prune.


Active Member
Send up a flag for locals to come pick up, they would kill for it and I am sure theres someone local to you on the board.
Hate tossing corals.


Active Member
its cool to have, but if you cant give it away or trade it away, its better to toss it then have it grow over other corals. i have the same problem with GSP. it was the first coral in the tank. i thought it looked cool, but then it took over. i managed to get rid of about 95% of it, but theres still little pieces in the crevices of my LR that i cant get rid of. i just scrape up as much as i can when i can reach it and toss it out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by janastasio
Why dont you frag it then you could trade it for other corals with fellow hobbyist or with your LPS. From what I have read, its supposed to be pretty easy, and then its a win win situation for everyone! Here is the thread someone sent me at one point.
this is what i would do. fragging is the new big thing about reefs. it helps save are natural reef in the oceans