Xenia poll: difficult or easy to keep?


I have a 24 gal jbj nano cube with 27 lbs of lr and 30 lbs of ls. No additional lights...just what came with it.
I LOVE xenias and wondered how hard they were to keep. The lfs says no prob but I read in a book they are a little more difficult than a beginner can handle.
What do you all think?


Active Member
I don't have xenia but I've heard that it spreads like crazy and even becomes a nuisance is some tanks so I'm guessing it's easy.


Active Member
Easy and it's spreads for some people and not for others. Mine seems to be doing well and I have some new polyps but it's not growing crazy.


Active Member
its hit and miss. for me the stuff is a weed and I have to cut the stuff out a throw it away every few weeks. in general I find and most agree that its a very easy coral to care for .


Active Member
I run about 5 watts per gallon. Like oceana I can't stop it from growing. Even if I cut it off the stub just grows more. I don't think its a bad thing just takes some time to deal with it.
But I've heard pretty much the same thing, some have luck with it, some don't!


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
its hit and miss. for me the stuff is a weed and I have to cut the stuff out a throw it away every few weeks. in general I find and most agree that its a very easy coral to care for .

Totally agree. Will thrive in some tanks and not grow at all in others. I don't have success with any pulsing Xenia....but my tank is overgrown with Anthelia. May be extremely easy in some tanks and die within days in others. Its a mystery.


Active Member
easy. my pH is usually 8.0 and has dipped to as low as 7.8. people claim say they wont do well below 8.2. Mine still thrive and grow with ease.
frag rock I started with

2 months later with frag rock moved over to the right



Active Member
Sorry for these dark pics. :( Oh well.
Anthelia is often sold as Xenia which is why I show it.
This is what I started out with in the Anthelia catagory about 10 months ago.
You can see where I ended up, and I have traded in rock after rock after rock with a bunch on it already.
:scared: :scared: :scared:



I have a pulsing xenia and it grows like crazy. I find it easy to keep.
I have read that low iodine will cause it to crash, and I have also read that it crashes in nature seasonally. It may come back after a crash too if you don't remove all the dead material. Wish I could be more specific on all this but I don't have the sources by me right now.
If you can find a cheap frag it is probably worth trying. I grew my first xenia in a nanocube deluxe (48w over 12gal) and it did just fine. It seems to have a richer, darker color now in my 75 gal. Maybe due to more light. Grows taller in that tank too. But either way it grows rather quickly, like a weed.
Can't believe some lfs charge so much for it sometimes. As easy as it seems to be for me, I would think it would be cheap. I have seen some lfs asking $75-125 for "show" xenia. Just seems ridiculous. Try finding someone near you who is giving away frags. Anyone near me is welcome to some of my frags. Just give me a small piece of lr and you can come take it from me. Sorry but I don't think I can ship it anywhere, it would probably take me forever to get around to doing it and I don't want to let anyone down.


I tried the pulsing type a couple of times and never had any luck, just seemed to melt away, and another time I think my flame angel was doing it in.


I bought my pulsing xenia a couple of weeks age it has spit already and growing great love them i hope they continue to do well.