xenia problem


Active Member
Scissors, razor, hands. You can cut it or just yank it off, but it tends to leave little pieces behind that regrow. You can try to slowly peel it off with a finger and get most of it off.
If you can pull the whole rock of it out try pulling it out and than hold it upside down over a bucket and slowly peel the stalks off one by one.
Wear gloves, Xenia STINK and it is almost impossible to wash the smell away so gloves are a good idea.


I hated it when mine decided to jump onto on of my base rocks and preceeded to spread to the one next to that one. Finally, I took a small sergical blade that I got from my work and sliced away at it. I couldn't get all of the coral of the rock but my hermit crabs and my red fire shrimp and my clearner shrimp all took care of the remaining coral!
Mine never grew back, and I will never get another xenia or anything close to that! It was a very easy and pretty looking coral but the fact that it will over populate your tank over rules those perks!