Xenia Problem


New Member
I bought some pumping xenia about 8mo ago on a 2"x3" little rock. It had about 5 or 6 heads on it. I now have about 50 or 60 heads on quite a few rocks....no kidding. How can I get them off the rock without killing them. I tried to just pull them off but their pretty slippery and wouldn't budge.:notsure:


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Set rocks next to them and then pull on the rocks once the Xenia attaches firmly.

Wont this tear the xenia? Or is that the idea?


If they are that healthy then a little tear will not hurt them. I tear my pulsing xenias all the time and in about two days they are attached. If you don't want to tear them then just put some rocks around them and they'll spread themselves. Mine even spread on the glass.