xenia question???


Active Member
i bought a small xenia frag from my lsf about 3 weeks ago. it had recently split. second frag completely disappeared over night about 4 days ago. today i came home and found the remaining frag completely shriveled up. why would this happen when everything else in the tank is thriving????? i have several different types of mushrooms, 3 anemones, and a galaxea.
sg = 1.025
ca = 420
alk = 9.6 dkh
temp = 82 (slightly high - first time in 2 months over 80)
phos = 0
amm = 0
nitrite = 0
nitrate = 0
260 lbs lr
140 lbs ls
560 watts lighting (300 mh and 260 pc dual actinic)
anyone have any clues????


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
i wouldnt have a clue. by the way what is your avatar?
cookie cutter shark. as is my name, Isistius genus.


Active Member
that thing looks nasty! for the xenia i dunno mabye you just had a bad batch of it, your water seems ok. people say that it just melts away. im sure someone else will help you out. hey if you need some more xenia feel free to make a deal i have alot of it.


There are times when I have so much of it ,its like a forest covering almost half of my live rock and then suddenlydies off in great numbers. There is no set time frame or water issues that this holds too. It has just happened over the years to me. Xenia is extremely hardy and for you to give it another try wouldnt be a bad choice. I do know that I had die off when my heater went wacko and i came home and temp hit 86.
I know I had read on these boards that less than 84 was an optimal temp. I wish you all the best with some xenia. I love to watch my clowns nest in it at night :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Magooo2
I love to watch my clowns nest in it at night :happyfish

i wish my clown would host my xenia!


Active Member
Thats xenia for ya it they just die one day for unknown reason many have had those problems, but they always come back so you just have to keep trying.