Xenia safe from butterfly and angel?


Active Member
I have both a dot-dash butterfly and a flame angel. They do not bother any of my current polyps and corals (except a new addition candycane, but I think they are bothering it because it isn't doing to well). I'd like to get some pulsing xenia and I wanted to know what you guys think about the possibility that my fish will eat the polyps. I haven't been able to find xenia for a cheap price, but I really like them, so I'm willing to spend 40$ for a small frag of it IF my fish aren't going to gobble it up. Anyone have some expertice they'd like to share?


In the wild most butterflies are notorious for nipping at coral in their natural diet. I checked in my book "Marine Fishes" by Scott W. Micheal and it says the dot-dash butterfly is not reef safe. However, in some cases in captivity you can get lucky and get the fish to aquire a new diet. Xenia is a very cool coral; I think it's risky, but you may have an exception if he isn't bothering your other polyps and coral. Kind of a gamble 50/50. You either have beautiful coral or expensive fish food.
Flame Angels can go either way. I've seen them in reef tanks totally compatable and I'vev seen them be troublesome. Sounds like you may be okay with yours. Whatever you decide best of luck....


Active Member
both of those families of fish are hit or miss. pygmy angels do better then the butterflies who are notorious for picking at corals. Keep them well fed and you could be the exception to the rule.