

Active Member
so a couple of weeks ago i decided to start getting rid of some of my xenia b/c it has started to take over my tank. so i put a couple of little rocks throughout the colony for the xenia to grow on to make it easier to take it out. week or 2 go by and the xenia grew on to the rocks so i pull 2 rocks out, bag them up and take them to the lfs. they had no prob taking them. i bought my xenia as 1 stalk on a rock for 14f dollars about 9 months ago. so i go into the lfs 2 days ago to get ro/di water and i look in their reef tank to see what they got in thats new and i see on of the 2 stalks of xenia still in there. its for sale for $60 and the other one sold for $50!! i could not believe it. i know that i cant say anything to the lfs about it to get any profit or anything....but it really burns my ass. those guys are cool though they started hooking me up with free water.
i need to make profit like that!! anybody want to buy some xenia?? ill sell it cheap!!
thanks to all that read i just needed to vent a bit.


Active Member
i dont know if i know how to ship coral. ive never done it before so im a little hesitant cause i dont want it to die on the way to you.


Active Member
You just GAVE it to the lfs?????? I traded two rocks with 4 xenia on each for $20 a piece.


Active Member
The reason lfs's are so eager to buy/trade for xenia is because it ships horribly. Also, once they get a frag, it is easily reproduced.


Active Member
Also they are very fast sellers.. as Xenia is one of the most wanted coral out there.


it is odd how you really want it and after you get it you always have too much of it. Once mine got going i would flush about 10 stalks a week.


Active Member
You're crazy.. when you get that kinda growth you frag like 40 of them, slap them on a rock, and sell to the fish store as a show piece for 200 dollars.

murray bmf

The xenia in my tank is taking over, its growing on the glass. I took some into the lfs along with a some frags off of a colt coral and they gave me $190.00 worth of store credit. I got live rock, a seabea anenome, a rock with a bunch of blastamosa (however it's spelled) and a bunch of green chromis (for my wife). I'm getting ready to take another batch in. It grows like crazy in my tank and I'm not sure what to do with it, other than trade it for cool stuff. Crazy huh? :joy:


$190 worth of store credit?! I would have been rich if I lived near your fish store. I don't think mine would have given me much, they didn't really sell many corals. I did give some to people sometimes...maybe I should have tried harder to sell it somewhere else. ahhhh, I just wish I had a tank right now


Active Member
Cheapos at my lfs only gave me$12 store credit for a stalk of my xenia.... Although they only charge $18 for a stalk of xenia so I can't blame em.


Active Member
For one stalk? thats pretty good mudplaya, I had to trade in 4 attached to a rock for 20 bucks. One of them had 4 blue mushrooms which the LFS guy said his roommate came in and said he HAD to have that piece.. so he didnt even get to sell one of them :p


Active Member
i have the encrusting type of xenia and its growing like crazy too!!! its spreading onto a neighboring rock and its also starting to grow over the sand.... im trying to figure out how im gonna get rid of it pretty soon its going to be all over.... and i dont even wanna talk about my colt its huge its about 18" tall and has 5 seperate truncks that are at least 2-3" diameter.... im just affraid to cut things but i wanna cut it into 5 sepertate ones then keep one small piece and sell back the other 4 to my LFS.... anyone have any ideas on how to do this??


Active Member
take a NEW CLEAN razor and just cut it. dont do it in the tank though. after you cut it rinse it thouroughly in fresh clean salt water. then just take a rubberband and rubberband the frags to a rockk and put in the display tank in low light and low flow so that it has time to heal. thats that. colts and xenia are really hardy and take abuse very well.