

I have a pomping Xenia that is spreading like a weed. It is starting to take over and grow where I don't want it. Is their a way to keep this thing under control? :notsure:


i cant get my xenia to stay alive...what type of lights, flow and food do you use...i have 2 250hqi and they sit close to my overflow box so they get good flow...but no matter what i do they wont stay alive...i have bought like 4 colonies and nothing


Active Member
Xenia thrives in less than perfect water quality. If your water quality is top notch Xenia won't surivive, so that should answer both questions here.
Xenia is either going to grow like mad or die off, there's very little middle ground. If you want to get rid of it, then work to reduce your phosphate levels first and foremost. However if it is doing well in your system, you can make good money selling frags to LFSs.


I agree with Cannonman. I have a xenia that I bought from my LFS about 6 months ago that I have gotten to double in size during that time. My plans are to double it's current size again and then to start taking cuttings to trade with at my LFS (have never shipped live goods before, would not want to have them die during transport).
To answer jrthomas40's question about what I have done to get mine to grow so well is the following:
For my setup, I have a set feeding schedule that consists of the following:
Strontium & Molybdenum
Essential Elements
Coral Accel, and
I also perform weekly 10 percent water changes to keep everything happy. For my lighting, I have a T-5 HO fixture sitting atop that keeps everything lit up nice and bright.
Hope this helps.


Check your Alk. I have lost 2 frags, both when I went out of town and my tank did not
get its mid-week dose of buffer. I think xenia is pretty sensitive to low alk.


I thought they do well with out registering phosphate levels. Just needed he nutrients in a less than pristine environment?


Active Member
I have no detectable phosphates (low range) or trates (low range) and my xenia is growing like mad.