

On a different note, I also bought a Toadstool few days ago which was under attack by a weired looking Crab (look just like a Tarantula) ... anyway, now the toadstool look very bad (tried to make it straight, but it is falling on it's side) :eek:
I can't catch that Tarantula freek who always stays inside the Liverock and comes out every now and then. Attempted taking out the liverock he enters, but I think he is like Osama, moves from cave to cave :D :D


Use the image option. And then just specify the url where the gif or jpg file is located.
I don't know if I just opened a cane of worm, as more the pic we get, slower the server this will get :( :confused: :eek:


Nice pic, I recently purchased some xenia, and it looks the same. When I first got it, it pulsed, but does not seem to any more, but then again, I do not look that closely at it.
I need to put on the helpers to see it up close. This over 40 thing is hard on the eyes.
I don't understand why EBeckels thinks your link is not allowed. I just points to a picture, and it is nice to see them occassionally. It lets ya know what you are doing is right.
Best of luck with your tank.


The link He was talking about was for a new bioplankton that is on the market and the fact that I made a statement - which I have scientific proof is true - so they decided to pull my posting.
So since I'm a lawyer in training I'll word it another way.
About adding phyto. to a tank: if you have a reef tank it is important that you add phyto. to a tank, this includes Xenia. Most products on the market, aka marinesnow, will keep your corals alive for alittle while but in the end will cause the corals to die becuase of lack of food. This occurs because the products are made of mostly water ( 95 - 98% ) or use organisms that just are not consumed by marine animals. This is why some products can cause huge blooms to occur.
However liquidlifeusa does make a new bioplankton that is extremely good for marine tanks. Why, no water and the organisms used are the correct size and types to be taken up by marine organism.
If you guess have any other coral questions feel free to email. I don't know everthing but I usually can point you in the right directs.
Also for those that don't think I know what I'm doing, I have a agressive setup that is a reef.
Hope the info helps