

I have some silver and the regular xenia. It was all growing huge and spreading for about 5 months. All of a sudden the past 3 weeks it is dying. I know they say the stuff is kinda hard to keep alive but if i can keep a gonnipora alive for a year then I should be able to keep anything. What could be causeing only this to die. By the way nothing is bothering it.
Are you adding iodine supplements? Xenia love iodine and if it is growing and spreading that readily, maybe the iodine isnt enough for all of it. HTH.


Xenia grows like a weed in my tank:
Combi-san (Iodine).
Strontium and Molybdenum.
Good water.
Good light.
Some species will grow fast, then just die on you, others will live forever. Mine is indestructible. I can grow it onto rocks and cut pieces off with scissors. Great for trading with your local LFS.

nm reef

Active Member
Iodine suppliments seem to help keep xenia healthy...also I've noticied that mine seem to pulse less if my alk drops a bit....my xenia and colt coral basically tell me when its time to check my alkalinity.
The single stalk of xenia I added about 4-5 months ago will soon be fragged for return to the store I got them from........store credit for future purchases.My origional colony is now 12-15 stalks and growing rapidly.