

Active Member
as i have mentioned before, i got a xenia as a gift. my tank is only a month old and he has been doing great. the last day and 1/2 he has been closing more than normal, he used to close at lights out. do you think there is something wrong or is this normal for a xenia?

lady becca

Mine closes when something swims too close to it, or if I add anything to the tank.
It will even close up when I re-start the pump after feeding.
Hope this information is helpful.


Active Member
My Xenia closes sometimes for no apparent reason and will sometimes go a couple of days looking horrible but it always manages to come back to life stronger than ever. HTH


Active Member
yes, thank you, i did move the magnet around and noticed my nudi branch right by him, and with the holiday everyone was looking at him so maybe he is a little stressed
thanks again


Active Member
They are pretty hardy. If they close they will open back up. Beware they can multiply like rabbits. I love mine. You will enjoy it.


Active Member
[QUOTE... and with the holiday everyone was looking at him so maybe he is a little stressed...

I got that same feeling when I went to the In-Laws for dinner...:D


Active Member
bang guy-- my stepson checked my alk and i seem to have had quite a drop, what could have caused this and how do i fix it?
amo .25, trites 0, trates 0, ph 8, kh 7.4, alk 2.63 ?? last week my alk was at 5.37, but i am having a little trouble reading these salifert tests, maybe he took a reading to soon or i took mine to late?
my calcium is off the charts and no matter when i check my ph it is at 8.
oh, sp. grav. between .023-024-

bang guy

Do you know how your Calcium got to be so high? What additives are you using?
I would retest ALK and Calcium. If ALK is still low and Ca is still high then I would suggest a 20% water change.


Active Member
my amonia has been @ .25 from day one. that is not a salifert test so maybe its off? i dont know.
this is only the 2nd week i have checked the calcium (just got the test) and both times were the same the color in the tube (using the drip method) does not change.
i am not adding ANYTHING the tank except top off water (very pure deep well water) & a basic staple fish food.

bang guy

I would suggest you test your well water for Calcium. Mine is extrordinarily high in Ca.
This could be what's causing your ALK to drop. Excessive Calcium will precipitate Carbonate (ALK). The Precipitation event will also cause your PH to drop.