Xenia's driving me crazy!!!!



Does anyone know a way of permanetly removing xenia from a rock?? This stuff grows like a weed in my tank. I'm sick of pulling it out.


Put small rubble rocks in the middle of it and let it crawl it's way onto the new rocks, remove rocks.
It's a slow process but it's the only way to ensure that you get it all out and it doesn't sprout 10 where you pulled out 1.
Edit: If you can keep it under control it's beautiful. If it goes wild and out of control it's a nightmare. We walk a fine line with Xenia.


I've done that before and actually forgot about it... You know, it's funny how it grows like a weed in one tank and not in my other two tanks. Thanks for the suggestion, guess that's what I will have to do.


Or you could just ship it to me ...........................


if you want to kill it there are a few things take the rock out and kill the rock.
take the rock and put it where the exenia is down in the sand after you pull out as much as possible.
or sell or trade the rock that its on to someone else so its completely out of your tank.
these are the only way sI know of to completely get rid of it.

rasta pasta

New Member
Take the rock out is a must when trying to get rid of xenia. It has a good chance to spread throughout your tank like wild fire if you keep ripping it out.
I got rid of mine by pulling the rock out and srubbing the rock with a bristle brush and rinsing it off.


Its funny i have had xenia in my tank now for about 2 months and it has not spread at all! My frogspawn which went in at the same time has already split like four heads off...should I move my xenia lower? It is at the tope of a coral skeleton with many branches, if i moved it lower would it begin attaching where its side touched?
Your nightmare would be my dream! I can't get my hands on any where I live..... go figure. Wish you could sell it to my lfs! lol! Good luck!


I cant keep the stuff alive. but I have seen tanks that are over grown with it its just one of those corals that in some tanks grows like a weed and others cant get it growing at all LOL


I keep it at a high point in the tank where it can't attach to anything. Looks like a big pink pulsating afro.


Active Member
Originally Posted by findingnemo2
Your nightmare would be my dream! I can't get my hands on any where I live..... go figure. Wish you could sell it to my lfs! lol! Good luck!
Where are ya in Texas? I've got Xenia that's overrunning my anemone and approaching my clam. I'm about to have to address it...
you could take it out and put it in a bucket and it will all die and alot of bacteria will live in the rock even though its in bad shape.


Active Member
My 1 xenia is now 3 after only having it like 3 weeks, it's crazy, I keep moving their rocks away from the other stuff and they keep leeeeaning over to reach new rocks! Sneaky *mod edit =watch the language!!!!! * ....but it's pretty so it's worth it....I'll try the keeping it at the top of the tank trick tho!