

Active Member
On 8-29-03 I attached a Xenia to a suction cup in an attempt to get them growing up the right side of the tank...


Active Member
Thanks Buzz,
The ones growing on the left side of the tank are growing like crazy. The only problem so far is they are growing out of the water... well kinda. The ones close to the water line are floating on top of the water and it is killing the top layer of polyps... I fragged them back twice now and need to do it again. Anyone else tried this with xenias?


Active Member
What a great idea. Did you just put the suction cup next to the branch and let it attach naturally or did you cut and paste?
Also, do you know if coraline on the glass will keep the xenia from attaching?
I bet when it starts to take off it going to look great!


Active Member
Thanks jumpfrog, I used the cut and paste methiod... Used two rubberbands to attach it to the suction cup. After it attached to the glass I cut it away from the suction cup.
I don't think coraline would effect the xenia but it might be hard to get the suction cup to stick to it...
Here is a pic. You can see them going up the left side... I might frag some and move them down to the lower left side... They seem to spread up a lot more than out. BTW, there attached naturally and just started growing.