Xotic Agressive question...


I am started a 90 gal agressive or just a FO tank. I have a friend that says he can get "ANYTHING" I would ever want. COuld you guys give me some ideas on something rare and xotic that could go in this tank. I am mostly a reef type and already have a 120 reef setup. So FO or agressive is new to me. Thanks for the ideas and suggestions in advance!!!


I basiclly want someone to come over that knows fish to say "Where did you ever get that!!!!!!!!" thanks again


Active Member
O really? He says ANY fish u could ever want? Well, there is also the problem of money. He can get u the fish... at a cost. a 90 gallon, lemme think. Wat aer the dimensions on it first?


the tank size is as follows: 48" long by 18" wide by 24" tall
My wife says she wants it in the bedroom...so a Hawian dragon eel would be out of the question....I would like to stay with fish no eels.... and as far as cost...well he says he has it covered... he owes me anyways... Any suggestions???


how rich are you??? the more xotic the more $$$.
Consider rhinopias, or better ambon lions. Their start to show up in the USA frequently and only cost between $800-1500 USD. Alternatively since this is a small tank, one big fat cool angler.


Well my friend says that he can get ahold of Lion fish from Japan....(something around 900.00) but not sure on thier color as in he deals with poeple that import them and doesn't really know the correct name for them. I would like to keep maybe two to three fish in this tank...but I will consider just one if its extremely rare and xotic. thanks guys for the suggestions..and please keep them coming so I will have a list to decide from.


Its not really MY bugdet..its really his. I have done alot of custom painting on his cars stuff like that ...so it is really to pay me back....thanks again


What do you want? Lions, groupers, angels, tangs, wrasses???
If you are a bit more specific, then maybe we can help you.