XP3 Canister Filter by Rena


I am starting up a 60 gallon tank with a XP# Canister Filter (and a protein skimmer) and I had a few questions on how much media to put into the three compartments and of what type of media to use?
I was suugested by my local fish store guy to use "Ceramic Rings". I know these are good but should I only use these or should I also use another type as well.
Since the XP3 allows for 3 media chambes, should I use a different one in each, 2 and 1 or all three the same? Should they chambers be packed tight or loose with media?
Any advise in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.


I assume this will not be a reef tank?
If not I would probably just use what it comes with to save a few $, its all "good enough". I believe mine originally came with a coarse and fine sponge for compartment #1, 2 carbon sleeves for compartment #2, and the ceramic rings for compartment #3 (thats for the XP3). What you put in really depends on what you want to accomplish, live rock rubble, bioballs, nitrate or phosphate sponge, etc can all be substituted if you wish.
I wouldnt have the media 'loose' and not 'packed' either somewhere inbetween so there is sufficient media, but the water flow isnt restricted to the point of damaging the pump or giving insufficient waterflow from the outlet to the tank.
just my thoughts,


Generally for reef you dont want a canister filter because they require too much maintenance to prevent them from causing high nitrates (which really isnt much of a problem for fish and hardy inverts). In a reef I'd probably either run it empty (used only for circulation, and almost like a sump), with carbon, with live rock chips/rubble, or with nitrate/phosphate sponge, or any combination of those.