XXL hermit with Triggers...

I have a huge Hermit crab that I would like to move out of my sons 33 gallon and into my 270 gallon. This thing is tearing apart the 33 gallon so he needs to go. My question is will it be ok in a tank with a niger, pinktail, humu humu,and clown trigger, also a large dogface puffer, harlequin tusk, and a couple of wrasses? The crab is bigger than any of the fish, so far.


That hermit is HUGE! would the fish pose any type of threat even if they were full grown Trigger's? By the looks of it i think they wouldnt even dent him :scared:


Active Member
Big hermit. I'd be kinda scared he might grab a fish while it's sleeping. When they get big enough, something will eventually get him....
Looks like a big meal for a trigger. It would have to be a very passive trigger to not imediately eat him. Mine love to eat any crab or snail. Maybe they just love the shell or the challenge.


Would it even be possible for a trigger to kill that thing!? he says the shell is the size of a soft ball thats not includeing his claws and legs?:notsure:


Active Member
I don't think a planktonic trigger would eat it, but any of the more "fleshy" eating triggers eventually would.
It will be going in with Pinktail (6"), a Niger (5"), Clown (4"), Picasso (4"), and a Halmoon (4"). Also the Dogface Puffer is approx 7". I put in a feeder fish yesterday to "test the waters" and it was the smaller triggers that went after the feeder. The big ones didn't seem all that interested.


Active Member
Forget giving the triggers such a nice treat... I would fry that thing up and eat it myself! MMMmmmmmm crab legs!


My guess would be, that your Clown trigger, Niger & Huma, would have a nice snack. Probably a little at a time. No matter how big that hermit is, he will have to molt one day, & then it will be easy picking for your triggers, And don't forget about that 7" puffer, who I'm sure loves to eat @ night, perfect molting time. Take a look @ your Clown triggers teeth some day, not just the part you can see, but the larger part that gets covered up by his lip, kind of like the tip of the iceberg, & trigger jaws, are made to crush shells. You ever see a trigger tear a lobster apart? Anyway my prediction, would be he'll get ganged up on, & eventually lose, maybe not all at once, just a leg here, a claw there, an eye, through constant harassment.
$ .02


I have experience with big hermits and I have porky puffers,dog face and
niger triggers they do ok. I would first buy him a bugger shell before you put him in it looks a little small.


Either that or the hermit will catch an unsuspecting fish.