xxx on


40 galons

iv been noticing alot lately there has been alot of posts in the

area. whats the deal with that. we all no where the ---- sites are when looking for them, why post them on a fish site? :thinking:


It is just spam. Please ignore these posts. They are deleted as the mods see them. At the top of the new hobbiests forum is a thread where these posts can be reported so the mods can find them easier.


unfortunatly in this time and age there is spam that is revolting and not appropriate for veiwers we try to keep them off as quickly as they come up and beleive it or not most users dont even see half of whats deleted. I even get it in my email we are not the only ones effected by this though alot of the other boards I have noticed at times has just as much if not more than here. i wish they would get a life though. JMO

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by highcottn1
um check ur six there are kids on this site u know, im one of them. only 16
then you should be mature enough to get over it and realize the mods are tryin to delete it all.


Staff member
Hobbyists aren't posting them, someone is getting paid to harasses others with these disgusting sites by posting them on forums. Unfortunately, these sites are now coming with pictures, making the situation even worse since there is no way to avoid seeing the content.
Right now, our report notice is malfunctioning, as well as moderator email notification, so you are likely to see more of this crap for the time being.
We appreciate your patience right now, as mod notification issue is down. Believe me, no mod here takes this lightly.


Active Member
30, take it easy....
I will remind highcottn that there is also adults on the site, and we appreciate if you and the other kids attempt to type in a laungage we can understand. :)


Just a thought, but I would make the new registered members have a waiting period of 24 hours to ensure no pornography can make it on the boards. I'm not 100% sure, but I do think you can set up some sort of firewall against this. If some of the other computer savey :hilarious people on here could offer an opinion, I am sure this could be brought to an end. Then you mods can focus of what really needs to be done instead of deleting objectionable material.
In my opinion.....LOL, yes I have one of those! Puttimg up with it for a little while is an extremely small price to pay for the valuable imformation this forum offers. The folks here are awesome, and I appreciate all of ya. Even if I don't agree all the time, its all valuable, and since I am a know-nothing who am I to argue?