

Who's Yates?
edit: I didn't recognizer the last name.. but I think she should fry as well. Just got a clue :)

mr . salty

Active Member
She was found GUILTY of two counts of Capital murder.It only takes on to fry.So what's the diference,1st degree,or capital???Her real judgment will come about a second after she is dead.....


She should be zapped!!!!!! There is NO defense for someone killing 5 innocent children! Insane, crazy, dilusional, no excuse. Even the Bible says and eye for and eye.


Im telling ya.. there is a hot space in hell waiting on andrea yates.. to bad texas is so slow to execute.. we will do it.. but is sure is slow.. ]=(


fry her! fry her! fry her! as someone with a 1 year old kiddo, i think that they should give her a one-way ticket to some really hot, distant locale!!


Definitely deserves to fry! No excuse what-so-ever for what she did. Goodbye Andrea!


What I don't understand is that she was only convicted of 3 counts of murder and she killed 5 kids. I know that one count is enough for her to get what she deserves, the chair. But what happend to the other two kids?????


New Member
It is a legal thing why she was only tried for 3 murders.... You can't be on trial for the same thing more then one time. That way if something went wrong in this trial (ie- she was found not guilty) they could try her again for the other 2 kids. 2 or 3 counts of murder are more likely to get the death penalty or other sever charges which is a reason why they did not split it up into 5 separate charges....


I completely agree with what everyone's said. It's a very sad situation.
I may be opening up a whole new can of worms with this one, but does anyone feel that Mr. Yates should be tried as well? Although he didn't commit the actual crime, he knew all the problems his wife was having. What do you think?


Active Member
yes at the very least Mr. Yates is guilty of child endangerment. I have been working nights and boy are there some freaks calling into the late night radio talk shows, boo hooing about the verdict. What is there to understand?? She killed 5 kids. end of story, turn on the juice.


I say torch her ass <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> I have a 13 month old how fu@*ed up can ya be, if i could i'd kill her myself.


wow, we have some different subjects here tonight. I did't vote but heard someone on TV say that it may be better to have life in prison. If it is worse for her to live out her life and know what she did maybe it would be worse for her.
i say stone her to death!! as a father of two 3 year old girls(twins),i can't comprehend how anyone could ever bring harm to a child.she should suffer the worst death we can give her.


Active Member
They say there are no athiests in foxholes and I don't think there are any on death row either. By the time they fry her she will have truly confessed and made her peace with God who will then forgive her of her sins and welcome her into heaven. So I say pay in this life for what you do in this life! Do not give her the death penalty it is an easy way out. She should get life in a 4ft sq cell, no TV, no parole, no rights at all.
My opinion.