
I have to agree with you 99% DAB. Sometimes
death is an easy way out. Its the 1% of some one being able to live (although) locked up but still interact with people and having 3 girls of my own makes me want to voulunteer to flick the switch.
wow alot of responses on this one. i agree with everyone. there was NO EXCUSE for her to do something like that. i mean come on 5 kids. don't you think after her killing about the 3rd one she would have started to realize what she was doing. she is really sick. i can't believe someone could be so incredibly cruel and heartless. sane or not. she definitely deserves to die.
sorry for being so graphic but i think she sould die the same way those helpless kids did ,,, drown her .. revive her and drown her again .. i am sorry but i do not believe in the insanity plea if you can drown your kids in a bathtub them damn straight you are nuts but still held accountable...


I'm going to have to agree with lettheirberock, What wrong with a good old fashined stoneing? Cart her around to all 50 states for the next 10 years so the public can serve punishment. after that put her in front of a firing squad and be done with it.
WHY FRY HER???? thats too easy! she deserves to suffer and die a slow painful death!! first, hang her upside down from her toes for a day or two. then, take her down. after that, plug her butt and feed her ex-lax. maybe do some chineese water tourture for a while too! after everyone is done having fun, put her in a wood chipper feet first. if only i were president.


New Member
I don't think they use the Chair any more. Most states use, Lethel Injection. I think she should get life. That way she can THINK about it.
lordofthereef thats funny. and xenia think about it, if she sits in a prison she may think about it for a while but eventually with as sick as she is she'll block it out and then she gets to live the free life. a place to live, food to eat, etc. prisons are way to pampered in my opinion.


Inject her with small amount s of bleach and then some chlorine and just keep shooting her up with small doses till she croaks !!!!!!!
I was glad to see that she was found guilty of capital murder .... I'm glad the jury didn't buy her insane bull*@&%. She knew damned well what she was doing on that day, and I think they should give her the death penalty, but then again sitting in prison would be torture. I doubt she'll last in prison, if they give her life in prison...... Most inmates don't like people like her, so they will torture her.


Well, she got life in prison today, so hopefully she will get tortured. Maybe someone will stuff her fat head in the toilet for awhile...see how it feels to be underwater. She just sickens me.


I think that there is no excuse for what she did, but I don't think she should be sentenced to death. People don't understand that having a mental illness like schizofrenia is really a disease. She needs help. Saying that "the devil made me do it" isn't an excuse, but she really believes that the devil was talking to her telling her to do it, and that's a completely different situation.


what I want to know is where was CPS after all these other "occurrances" she had...I would think that the doctor knowing this would by law be required to inform local authorities immediately that she had gone off her treatment & that CPS should have stepped in immediately...especially after proving a threat to herself repeatedly...does it make a diifference that it was 1 child or 5...to me it would not, but apparently the reasoning given by some it does...she should be given the death penalty...it would still take some time befoer it owuld be carried out so at least she'd have to suffer that for that period of time...


I agree with the verdict and the sentencing. I don't believe she should be put to death. She is mentally ill. I understand that a lot of people *use* that defense who are not really helplessly MI, but the truth is Insanity Defense if really hard to get. She will be in prison for the rest of her life -- or until she is almost in diapers... and she will receive treatment. Living with herself when she is back to being a normal human being (on meds) will be the worst punnishment I could imagine. It is likely that she will kill herself or be killed in prison.