yay finally got my first tank


i finally got my first tank it is a 30 gallon and i plan to make it a reef/fish tank. it is not cycling yet because my saltwater mix is not aged yet.
i have already run into problems tho: my hydrometer broke, i forgot to get a protine skimmer and i cant find white aragonite sand anywhere i can find a reddish/brown but i want white.
i got livesand, a power head, a heater...the works i will soon be ordering my lr from here.
i plan to put 2 false percs, a wachman goby, MABY a longnose hawk, a small cleanup crew and a purple lobster(if i get longnose i will wait till other fish are grown up) i will also put some ricordia and brain corals and maby a galaxia (in the not-to-near future)


Congrats on your new tank! I just finally got all my stuff for a new 125G tank. Only thing left is the stand and canopy. I cant wait... Been reading this board for soooo long now, but have nothing to show for. This is my first reef and i'm soo excited, seeing all the awesome pictures on this site.


Active Member
when your first setting up your tank, you don't need to worry about the salt water aging before you put it in the tank. congrats on your new tank, this is such a fun hobby:)


thank you thank you i cant add my saltwater anyways tho cuz i cant find white aragonite sand. i will go to a lps and try to find some i got a huge filter from my grandmothers old 55 gallon freshwater tank its an aquaclear 500. i ordered my lr earlier today and i had a question: i know anemones and stuff grows on lr and was wondering if anything that young thats on the lr could sting you??(probably just being paranoid) just a thought if you have any advice just tell me btw my tank is 30 gallons


i really hope so... spend over 3k on stuff already! i'm gonna get a good whoopin' if this become a failure... heeeheh


Active Member
i know you have seen my threads :D and probably replied to some, but i am in the process of setting up 125 also (not delivered yet) and have over 3k into it also. i am just wondering what you got for your money if you dont mind my asking ;)


thank you all i am cycling now i plan to add a little more sand before i put my lr in so i can have a yellowhead jawfish with my percs. i have like 2 inches of sand(like 1/2 inch ls and 1 1/2 drysand)my powerhead is working it is at exactly 80 degrees and i am awaiting my order of lr(yay) i got a 15lb bag of caribsea aragonite for 16.99$ (rip off)but no1 else had it :mad: . for the crew i plan on 20 scarlets, 10 turbo astrea's, a purp lobster and a fighting conch. i will wait about 2 weeks for this stuff tho.