YAY!! Look what I got today!

yeah well, That's why I don't go to them any more. Every single one of their corals are $75 no matetr waht kind, and they're ALL extremely small.


Active Member
I think prices of things has to do with where you are located... some of the prices like mushroom for 2 bucks OMG!!! just seeing some of the low prices that some people get make it seem like if you lived in a certain area gettin a reef tank would cost ALOT less than if you were in other places that have really high prices. I think i have more of the middle-ish range atleast i dont have to buy it at some of those HIGH prices!!!
Well in my situation, my town only has one salt water store, and the nearest one thats any decent is an an hour away, so they can pretty much name their price.


Active Member
That is definitely not a bad price for blue mushrooms. I love blue mushrooms. I am just spoiled in my area though by one of my local stores. The rock below was only going for $59.99! There is a pic with the mushrooms closed and then a pic of them fully open.
