yaya Algea algea please help


Another algea problem...
----Tank Stats----
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 15
PH - 8.2
Salinity - 1.024
Tank Size - 55 Gallon
Tank DOB - April 1st 2005
Water - RO
So my tank is young, but I have been getting diatoms, and green algea like crazy latley. I have been doing 5 gal water changes every week. I have read a lot of content, and I think this is somewhat expected from a new tank? It all started when I got my new lights. 240 Watt PC 50/50 lighting. Im sure there is a direct relation, but how do I rid myself of this nussance algea. As far as a clean up crew goes right now I only have 2 snails, and 2 scarlet hermitt crabs. I'm using a protien skimmer that seems to be doing a good job, however it did go down for about 4 days, as I was not able to fix it due to lack of time. 1 Clown, 1 Damsel, 1 Cleaner Shrimp. I am not overfeeding them. Feeding them just enough every 3rd day. Am I expecting to much? Is this something that tanks have to go through? Does anyone see a red flag? I know my clean up crew is small, I will handle that within the next day or two. Also I have water movment, but not as much as I should. I have about 550 gph going through my tank.
Thank you very much!
* JD


Active Member
Stop spending money on things you dont need yet(lighting) and get your clean up crew in there. You may not be feeding often but how much are you feeding when you do feed them?


no more than they can eat in a minuet. No need to be condisending, I know when I need lighting, that is beyond the scope of this thread. I do appreciate your your comment however.
*Also I am running the lights 7.5 hours a day.
- JD


Active Member
With that young of a tank I think you are fine. Just get a bigger clean-up crew when you can...maybe some mexican turbos...those suckers can munch some algae.


how about your water quality? meaning the quality of water you are using for your water changes, is it tap or r/o water, that to me makes all the difference in the world


I really appreciate all of the reply's. I will have a bigger crew in 1 - 2 days. Keep the comments rollin. I check my user cp like a freak.
The snails I have are mexican turbo's. They clean a lot when they are not being lazy.
* JD


sorry, I missed that, but check your r/o water, I did have a problem with high phosphates once with my r/o filter


Active Member
That is a good point. See if you can borrow or rent a TDS meter or possibly take in a sample of RO water to see if they can test it for all trace elements. I know our county public water supply tests for over 60 trace elements for $15.


cool thanks for the tip. I will be sure to get it tested. If that comes back good though is it safe to say its because my tank is only 2 months old? And does it usualy clear up after the tank stabalizes? granted a larger cleanup crew will help.


Active Member
Well almost every tank will have a diatom outbreak. As long as you get your clean-up crew in the next week or two, you will be fine. Just make sure you get it before the diatoms get totally out of hand.


I was thinking about 5 snails total, and 10 or so more crabs. How does that sound. Also, should I have extra shells in my tank for my snails and crabs? I hear they like to migrate out of their shells.
Also is it bad to clean my glass and stir my substrate??? Temporarily makes that tank look better, however I'm sure all that stuff is just going into that water and is going to end up somewhere else.


I have at least 20 various type of snails in a 29g. most like to say 1 snail to 1-2 gal.I also have 1 emerald crab and he can munch too. He also likes bubble algae.


Originally Posted by 9lives
I have at least 20 various type of snails in a 29g. most like to say 1 snail to 1-2 gal.I also have 1 emerald crab and he can munch too. He also likes bubble algae.
wow that seems overkill. Seems like they would starve in a 29 gallon. Causing spikes in poor water quality. Im just a beginner though. This is my first SW tank. So what about cleaning the glass and substrate? Also more opinions on a clean up crew would be great. Thanks for the replies everyone!

who dey

Active Member
check your phosphates and lighting. i am able to grow a bit of green hairline with increasing phos a bit and also lighting. may sound nuts but its working. if the phos gets to high i just throw in some phosban and algae is gone in 3 weeks. i would buy some phosban if i were you!! :joy:

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by WHO DEY
check your phosphates and lighting. i am able to grow a bit of green hairline with increasing phos a bit and also lighting. may sound nuts but its working. if the phos gets to high i just throw in some phosban and algae is gone in 3 weeks. i would buy some phosban if i were you!! :joy:
it's for tang grub by the way!!!good luck!! do you test for phos!??


I have, but I dont regularly. I dont have a test kit for that. Shame on me =). Ill be sure to check into that when I get my cleaning crew.
Thanks for the advice!

who dey

Active Member
i remember your pictures of all that ro water so i'm sure you will be fine in time, make sure your lights run around 8 hours, i have found when i disrupted the cycle and changed it to 9 hrs it triggered the algae growth for the tang. 8 should be good. i was just browsing the thread but if it's diatoms don't worry, how old is tank :notsure:


It is diatoms, and some green algea. The tank is only 2 months.
BTW WhoDey.... Your tank is absolutly beautifull. Makes me confidant in your advice. Thanks for all your input! How old is your tank?

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by Thejdshow
It is diatoms, and some green algea. The tank is only 2 months.
BTW WhoDey.... Your tank is absolutly beautifull. Makes me confidant in your advice. Thanks for all your input! How old is your tank?
thanks for the compliment! tank is only 3 1/2 months and going very well! 2 months i had algae and got the phosban i swear by it, couldn't believe one month later i was going to harvest algae!!lol . got any pics of the tank i'd like to see it??