Yeah!!! New Clowns (for Me) Questions???


Alright So I finally got done with my cycle and went two hours to lfs and bout two clowns (false percs) and A lawnmover blenny... The CLowns are so small like the size of my thumb nail.... is this normal to sell so young... they love to eat and will eat flake, frozen brine, and pellets (altough its harder for them to eat those)... Am I feeding enough vairety for right now? And I feed them a couple times a day small small amounts... they always eat!!! I am worried about overfeeding but i want them to grow healthy!!! And Does anyone know how fast they grow
Thanks for any info you can give me!!!


Active Member
If the clowns are eating you should be all set. Watch out for the blenny and make sure that he gets enough to eat is there is not a lot of algae.


Active Member
Do not add anymore fish for a month or so. Let the tank catch up to the extra bio load. The clowns should be good if they are eating. Now that you have fish in the tank, the next fish you get, if any, need to be put in QT first. Congrats. and welcome to the forum.


Thanks... I know i was just telling hubby we need to set it up we have it as a freshwater qt right now... I dont think there is much of a bio load... lol... i serious as all get out when i say they are small... like the size of a ladies thumb nail...Dixie My lawnmower is eating away he cracks me up and i will start looking for him and will spend like a whole minute looking and then its like he knows what i am doing and will flick his tail... and i am like ohh there you are...

reef diver

Active Member
Nice, beware of agression, my first clown died because of it, they were that size, good luck! Quarantine helps, however, ask if your lfs quarantines before selling. If they dont look for someone who does, it will really lower your death toll.