shrimpy brains
147.75 January total
803.07 February total
950.82 total ytd
20g long with acrylc added to bottom
Frozen mysis, cyclopeeze, multipack
feeding stick
20 lbs. live rock 61.64
black abs(pvc) various pieces 25.36
lights 60.00
fish and shrimp 55.00
couple of corals 56.00
March total=258
Rotifers and decap. artemia cysts=46
April total=66.00
New YTD=1274.82
803.07 February total
950.82 total ytd
20g long with acrylc added to bottom
Frozen mysis, cyclopeeze, multipack
feeding stick
20 lbs. live rock 61.64
black abs(pvc) various pieces 25.36
lights 60.00
fish and shrimp 55.00
couple of corals 56.00
March total=258
Rotifers and decap. artemia cysts=46
April total=66.00
New YTD=1274.82