yello tang


dont get on his back......he asked if he should return it, now if he doesnt return it, thats wrong. settle down.


Active Member
i could see keeping a yellow tang in a 15 gallon (not saying its the best thing to do) as a holding tank, maybe for a day or two, upto maybe 4 days before putting it in your display tank, but other then that, i think it would be mean to do. but what do you think about a yellow tang in a 55 long? ive read on a site that they only need a 30+ when full grown, but is it true?



Originally posted by wablondie98664
ive read on a site that they only need a 30+ when full grown, but is it true?

30 gallons x 2.5 gallons = good


Staff member
No, a tang should not be kept in a 15 gal tank. No need to "poll". This is a "given" hands down. If someone here is making a mistake, lets try to help him out with good advise, not humilation, etc.
Closing up now.