Yellow Belly Blue Hippo habbits?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mace
Yellow Belly

yeah, it's a hippo tang with a yellow belly, but still a regular hippo tang, not a different fish. like I said about the coral beauty, colors can vary in individuals, but it's still the same fish.

rabid frog

Active Member
It is the same genus, just that yellow bellies are rare and only collected from africa from the info I can find. It is not a malnutrition deal.
I have been told that Yellow Bellies are hardier but I cannot find any info backing that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rabid frog
I have been told that Yellow Bellies are hardier but I cannot find any info backing that.
if they are more hardy than "normal" hippos, then that would indicate that they are not the same fish, which would mean they don't belong in the same genus. it's like saying, "a coral beauty that is all blue is hardier than a coral beauty that is 50% orange and 50% blue" when in fact they are the same fish.