yellow/blue assesors


Does anybody have any personal experience or anything with these fish. They're in the reef aquarium fishes pocket guide book. Theres some info in there on them but not a lot. I did a search and there's very few posts or any info on them at all. Anything will help I'm sure thanks.

a sea k

They are small, peacefull fish and are very worthwile to obtain if you plan on a PEACEFULL system. I introduced a McCoskers flasher wrasse to mine and soon realized this would not work, at least not if you want to see them. I prefer the yellows over the blue, The yellows are a little smaller and the color of the blue is more of dull slate blue and fades into the rockwork coloring too much for my taste. I have 2 yellows and a blue in a 65gal. these are thier tankmates. Pair of tru Percs, Red firefish, Tailspot blenny, Banded Hi-fin goby w/pistol shrimp, and a Mandarin goby.
With this combo of fish you can walk up to the tank at any time and most likely will see all of them. They are always out and about without anything in the tank to frighten them.
I have 16 other fish in a 210 tank as well and of all the fish I keep these little assessors are my favorite.


Thanks for the help. Are they very hard to come by at all? I don't think I've seen any at my lfs. Also about how much do they run. just lookin for a rough estimate. Thanks


I have a yellow, he is in with a clown fairy wrasse, bi-color angel, green chromis and a yellow watchman and a Very large coral banded shrimp. no problems yet, been about 2 years so I don't expect any. don't know the cost now, I think I paid about $20 for mine, I see them locally from time to time, just haven't priced them lately....hth


Just weird I saw them in my book and my gf is interested in one of them but I haven't seen one ever or been able to find any info on them. So I came to the good ole trusty forum. I'm gonna ask my lfs about them when I go down there this week and see if they can get one in for me. They're pretty good about gettin fish in for me!

a sea k

Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Thanks for the help. Are they very hard to come by at all? I don't think I've seen any at my lfs. Also about how much do they run. just lookin for a rough estimate. Thanks
It took me nearly 7 months to find a reliable source for them.
I live in Fl and the dealers I use in my area still cant get the yellows but they did get a blue one and it sold before I got there. On another note, I'm not saying ORA doesnt breed the Assessors but the one LFS obtains a lot of stock from them and they never mentioned the availability of tank raised ones.
Rough estimate on price is, $48.95 on the yellow and $42.95 on the blue + the obligatory shipping fee of $34.95. That should put you in the ball park.
If your LFS has trouble getting them or you just want to know where I got mine send and email to: and I'll fill you in.

a sea k

Originally Posted by promisetbg
Check their website, ORA does breed both, tank raised.
Wow, I had no idea and dont think my LFS dealer has either. He is still looking for some for his own use and I'll bring this to his attention.
I know my reply is late but thanks, Chris