yellow boxfish "Ostracion Cubicus"?


my gf wants this fugly little yellow boxfish. its smaller than the size of a penny. and i just want to kno if they are hard to keep and if they compatiable with
1 orange/white percula clown
1 black/white percula clown
1 scooter blenny
and some snails and crabs.
also can it live in my nano? keep in mind its TINY
how small of a tank can i keep it in
and tell me anything u kno about its toxins.
is it reef safe?
i dont really want this fugly fish but my gf wants it. so hopefully it wont be compatiable. hehe. but if it is.. tell me anyway.
here is the ugly ugly little thing

bang guy

They are reef safe, they get fairly big though. If stressed and releases it's toxin it will wipe out every vertebrate in your system, including itself.


New Member
I think the little guy is cute. I would love to have one but my EVIL
blue damselfish would probably attack it and make it release it poisoness and kill everything in my tank. So I don't think I'll have one of those for a while,as much as I want one.:)


i wouldn't exactly call them reef safe. At that size it won't do much harm however once they get larger say goodbye to any shrimp, crabs, and worms. I've even seen mine munch on xenia, anthellia, and he took a chunk out of a BTA. I've had mine for a 3 years now and had to move him from my reef to my FOWLR once he got too big.
The toxin release isn't all that common, actually it rarely happens and its the blue boxfish that is most likely to do it.
The main thing with these fish is feeding...they need constant supplies of food beacsue they cant store a lot in their stomach due to their bony plates. Greenstuffs (nori, macro) is %60 of their diet in the wild and they need the same in captivity.
Cool fish by the way..very friendly, mine lets me pick him up, he spits water at me, and eats from my hand.
He's grown to at least 7" long and 4" wide, and he feels like a brick.