Yellow Clown Gobie behavior

I have just purchased a yellow clown gobie and am wondering if anyone knows any behavioral traits about him? I understand he is peaceful and calm with tank mates, but anything else? Active, front glass swimmer, rock sitter? Would appreciate any info. from those that currently have these guys.


I had one once. they are swim or sink fish. basically rock sitters from what i wittnessed. He was attacked by my two clowns though...I think for the similarity in which they swim. maybe Hope it helps.
He is not known for being a noctural fish, but is always lively when the lights go out and stays in a corner of the tank unmoving during the day.


I've only had my citrin/yellow clown goby a few days, but it generally perches on the LR, swooping now and then after a bit of floating food. I have also observed a behavior where it quickly sweeps against the glass and LR which I assume is a way to stir up the copopods.
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That is good to know about the rock sitting. It is seems that he is active at night and seems to be sleeping during the day. Everything I have read leads me to believe they are not nocturnal creatures. He is interacting well with my percula clown and 6 line wrasse. Anything else would be appreciated also.