Yellow Clown Gobies Wont Eat


New Member
I bought 2 Yellow Clown Gobies 2 days ago and they won’t eat. They just hide in the leather finger coral and watch the food go by. They seem healthy and move around a lot. I haven’t seen anything pick on them. Am I missing something? I know they are meat eaters and I was giving them meaty foods (I don’t remember the name of it. It was a mix). Should I get them something specific? Thanks for the help.


Active Member
They eat plankton---very small.
I had one but couldn't get it to eat either.
Did you see it eat the the store?


New Member
I have seen people make mention to soaking them in garlic. What exactly do you mean? I got the tank from a friend who has had it for about 5 years. She gave me some garlic flakes that I have yet to feed to the fish. Do I mix them together in a bowl of water first? Or buy some minced garlic to mix with the food?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
try cyclop or cyclopeeze soaked in garlic.
x2 - this is good stuff and my clown goby ate it like mad.


Active Member
For medicinal purpose use fresh garlic. For feeding purposes use an easy liquid garlic like garlic extreme by Kent.


Active Member
dont use flake garlic. you must use fresh-crush it put in some water to get the juice, take out the pieces, add food. let soak a little, then feed.
kent garlic extrem. put food in a cup, add a few drops let soak, feed


I think the cyclops worked. My yellow clown goby wasn't eating either and looking pretty grim. I saw this thread when I got home, went to the LFS and got their last pack of cyclops and fed some just a little while ago. Store didn't have any garlic and I didn't know about squeezing fresh so I skipped the garlic. Goby ate more than I have ever seen him eat and he has actually perked up quite a bit. I had been alternating between frozen Mysis, Thera + pellets and frozen brine. I guess I will add cyclops to the mix.
Thanks for the info.


Active Member
when i first got mine, i started it on the cycops, now that its established it eats anything. good luck.